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1. Who is Sandy waiting for?

A.         B.      C.

2. Which country is Linda from?

A.     B.    C.

3. Which is Kate’s favourite season?

A.    B.    C.

4. How will the woman go to Beijing?

A.     B.     C.

5. Who is the tallest of the three?

A. Nick.     B. Jim.     C. Sam.

6. Does the man have enough money to buy the book in the end?

A. We don’t know.   B. Yes, he does.   C. No, he doesn’t.

7. Where are the two speakers?

A. At a library.    B. At a hospital.   C. At a post office.

8. Who is Timmy calling?

A. Peter.     B. Tom.     C. Betty.

9. What time does the train leave?

A. 6:05.     B. 6:15.     C. 6:25.

10. What can they do in Changguangxi Wetlands Park tomorrow?

A. They can go birdwatching.

B. They can go fishing and have a picnic.

C. They can go birdwatching and have a picnic.



11. What is Amy doing with the paper?

A. She is making paper lucky stars.

B. She is making paper roses.

C. She is making paper birds.

12. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It will be Tom’s mother’s birthday next week.

B. Amy needs paper and scissors to make the birthday present.

C. Tom doesn’t think it is fun to do a DIY job.


Be in harmony (和谐) with wild animals

Some people think  that all wild animals are dangerous.

In fact     13    of wild animals will hurt a man if he leaves them alone.

Wild animals only hurt people   when they are    14    to catch their usual food.

 when their babies are    15   .

 when people hunt them or make them angry.

13. A. most     B. quite a few    C. very few

14. A. too old     B. too lazy    C. too tired

15. A. angry     B. afraid     C. in danger

听第二篇短文,回答第16-2 0小题。

16. What was the weather like last month?

A. It was cold and dry.  B. It was cold and windy. C. It was warm and windy.

17. Where will the wind blow from?

A. It will blow from the south.

B. It will blow from the west.

C. It will blow from the southwest.

18. When will rain arrive?

A. In the next few days.  B. In the next three days. C. This evening.

19. What will daytime temperatures be?

A. They will drop to 4℃. B. They will rise to 12℃. C. They will drop to 12℃.

20. What will the weather for next weekend be like?

A. Warm, wet and windy. B. Cold and dry.   C. Warm but dry.


