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学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品编辑老师为大家整理了七年级下册英语第四单元练习题参考 ,供大家参考。

Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1.         (蚂蚁) are very small in size.

2. The         (地球) looks like a round ball.

3. He got home early as          (平常) yesterday.

4.         (有人) is at the door. Go to see who it is.

5. There are so many people at the corner. What is         (发生)?

6. I think         (兔子) are lovely animals.

7. The boy had a fall and now there are two         (洞) in his trousers.

8. You shouldn’t put the knife in this         (低的) place.

9. Most young people have to go through a         (阶段) of hard time.

10. The boy was running         (朝着) his mother.

11. I think a man should have the ability to         (保护) his family.

12. You should keep these         (火柴) away from the children.

13. I don’t like the film. It is nothing but         (垃圾).

14.         (蛇) sleep most of the time in winter.

15. The white         (老鼠) look so lovely.

16. I hurt my         (膝盖) yesterday.

17. The dog opened his eyes         (大大地) when he saw the cat.

18. Andy is very busy         (甚至) during the May Day holiday.

19. If my mother         (同意), I will buy myself a new watch.

20. The door is         (锁着的). Nobody can get into the house.

Ⅱ. 根据所给的英语解释,用合适的单词填空。

1. My cousin is too young to go to school          (without any other people).

2. The firemen were          (not afraid). They put out the fire in the end.

3. Poor Tom, he          (hurt someone or something with fire) his left arm.

4. I just          (want to know) how Andy can do so well in his lessons.

5. Many countries are          (looking carefully for something) for the missing plane.

6. It was about 10 o’clock when we         (went away from) the park.

7. I got an email from Jim yesterday. But I forgot to         (to say or write something as an answer) to it.

8. The old man is very         (not strong).

9. Students shouldn’t         (run quickly) around the school.

10.          (not having) parents’ care, no children can live a happy life.

