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I love my home very much .

73.  There is a small garden __________________ the yard

74.  ___________________ is at the back of the yard.

75.  I ____________________ on the computer in the study

76.  My father’s car is ___________________ the bathroom

77.  My father  __________________ TV in the living room .

Ⅱ  词汇, 根据汉语提示,用其正确形式填空(10分)

78 Many trees and flowers _______  _______  ______  _______(复苏) in spring.

79 He _________   _________ (照相) at Kangkang’s  birthday party last Saturday.

80 You must _________   _________(向左拐) at the end of the road.

81 Mary _______   __________ (出生) in Putian.

82 We _________   ______(计划) go to Yunnan for holidays.

Ⅲ    看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词,10分)

(Mr. Wang comes out of the bus station. He wants to go to the post office.)

Mr. Wang: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office?

Kangkang: Yes, go along No. 1 Street and turn   83  at the first   84  . Walk       85   and go  86   the bridge. It’s about two hundred meters along on the   87  . It’s on the  88   of No. 2 Street and Xinhua Road. You can’t   89   it.

Mr. Wang: Thank you. But how   90   is it from here?

Kangkang:  About one kilometer. You can go there on   91  . It’ll   92   you about ten minutes.

Mr. Wang: Thank you very much.

83. _______   84. _______   85. _______   86. _______   87. _______

88. _______   89. _______   90. _______   91. _______   92. _______

Ⅳ  书面表达(15分)

根据提示词语,写有关中国的四季情况。以“Four Seasons in China”为题。词数在70个单词左右。

提示:return (归,回),begin,come after,last






