初一上册英语教学计划范文:Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like?




Teaching Aims(教学目标):

1.Teaching Aims about knowledge(知识目标):

After this lesson, students should do their utmost to know knowledge as follows:

a. Words

Short straight curly blond

b. Phrase

Short, straight and black hair

Short, curly and blond hair

Long straight and red hair

Eighty-one years old

c. Sentences structure

What color is your hair/eyes/skin?

How many people in my family wear glasses?

What do they look like?

2.Teaching Aims about ability(能力目标):

Students are wished to have the ability to describe the specialty of them, such as Li Ming has short, straight and black hair.

3.Teaching Aims about Motion and Value(情感态度、价值观目标):

Students will know the true spirit of family, furthermore, the love they enjoy from everyone in their family

Teaching Content(教学内容):


Teaching Schedule(课时安排):


Teaching Preparation(教学准备):

Audiotape, PowerPoint

Teaching Important Points(教学重点):

1. Words

Short straight curly blond

2. Phrase

Short, straight and black hair

Short, curly and blond hair

long straight and red hair

Eighty-one years old

Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):

Sentences structure

What color is your hair/eyes/skin?

How many people in my family wear glasses?

What do they look like?

