Along the way, Pittsburgh University has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Boy students send out more heat than girl students, and the larger a student, the more heat he produces. It sounds rather reasonable to draw the following conclusion that the hottest prospect for the Pittsburgh University would be a hardworking, overweight boy student who is very clever in the university.
1. Which of the following persons would produce the least heat?
A. A fat boy students who is clever and studies hard
B. A thin girl students who is not clever and does not study hard
C. A thin boy students who is clever and studied hard
D. A fat girl students who is both clever and hardworking
2. In the last sentence, the “hottest prospect” refers to
A. the person who produces the most heat
B. the person who suffers most from heat
C. the person who takes in the most heat
D. the person who bears the most heat
In the United States Government, the laws are made by the Congress, which has the House of Representatives and the Senate. They are almost equal in power. The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate whose 100 members serve for six years. The 435 members of the House are elected every two years, and the number from each state is determined by the population of the state.
1. The House of Representatives has more members than the Senate.
A. 100 B. 435
C. 535 D. 335
点评:由原文The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate whose 100 members serve for six years. The 435 members of the House are elected every two years可知答案为D。文中出现的数字为100和435,运用了减法。数字题往往需运用简单的四则运数,但是绝对不可能出现开平方,求微分等高级的数学运数。
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