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第一节(共5小题; 每小题0.5分,满分2.5分)


1. What is the time now?

A. 20: 00.           B. 20:10.              C. 20: 20.

2. What is the woman complaining about?

A. The long wait.       B. A mistake in her bill.  C. The broken computer system.

3. How does Jim probably feel now?

A. Surprised.           B. Curious.             C. Disappointed.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a zoo.           B. In a bookstore.       C. In a library.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A. She has decided to go to business school.         B. She was asked to give up science.

C. She will not be a successful manager.




6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The weather.       B. Outdoor activities.      C. Plans for this weekend.

7. What are the speakers going to do tomorrow?

A. Visit Mount Tai.    B. Go fishing.            C. Visit the History Museum.


8. What kind of music does the man like best?

A. Rock music.     B. Jazz.                 C. Classical music.

9. Who can play the violin?

A. Kate.     B. David.                C. Hazel.


10. What's the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.             B. Journalist and visitor.     C. Official and farmer.

11. Where does the man live now?

A. In a polluted city.     B. On a lonely island.    C. By a beautiful mountain.

12. Why does the woman come to the mountain?

A. To look for a place to move in.

B. To see whether the mountain is polluted.

C. To have a look at the man's small house.


13. What was the woman?

A. A teacher.         B. A reporter.    C. An editor.

14. Why did the woman change her job?

A. She didn't get a high salary.

B. She wanted to work in her husband's company.

C. Her workplace was too far from her new house.

15. What does the man want to put in the newspaper?

A. A house-seeking advertisement.              B. A house-selling advertisement.

C. A house-renting advertisement.

16. Where is the man moving?

A. England.            B. America.        C. Finland.


17. What do people like to watch in big cities?

A. Ice-skating shows.     B. Bicycle races.    C. Soccer games.

18. In which country is it suitable for swimming?

A. Austria.              B. Australia.          C. Thailand.

19. How is the weather in Thailand?

A. It often snows.        B. It is very cold.    C. It seldom rains.

20. What do the Swiss love to do?

A. Skiing.              B. Surfing.         C. Hiking.

第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 单项填空 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分)

21. The selection of the date for the picnic was rather________, for it mattered little to most of the club members who were free during the holidays.

A. vague          B. compulsory       C. arbitrary         D. sacred

22. Mrs. Johnsons has many __________ including gardening and wine-making.

A. inspirations    B. ambitions         C. affairs             D. occupations

23.________to the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, many of______ decorations made fragrant type of wood native to China.

A. Added; its       B. Adding; whose   C. Added; whose     D. Adding; its

24. ____is the gravity of the situation that we can’t ______ the importance of public attention enough.

A. This; deliver    B. Such; underline    C. So; stress         D. What; strike

25. The Food-for-Life Programme has helped people by sending emergency food aid to countries during times of trouble, _______ the Food-for-Growth Programme which targets people at risk.

A. as did           B. so did           C. as has            D. as does

26. The poor country found itself at a crossroads_______ it should decide which of the two should be placed before _______: its economic development or environmental protection.

A. where; another   B. which; the other   C. which; another    D. where; the other

27. “But he isn’t________ in his support for the reform,”_______ the director.

A. subjective; chanted                    B. absolute; contradicted

C. consistent; objected                    D. bureaucratic; objected

28. We do not have a big car, old expensive vases or paintings. ________, what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family.

A. Though   B. Rather    C. Or rather   D. Further

29. He would be in better health now________ with too much work when young.

A. had he not burdened himself            B. if he was not burdened

C. were he not burdened                  D. had he not been burdened himself

30. The ID card is an important means of identification, _______ is easy ______ around.

A. that; to carry    B. one; to be carried   C. which; to carry      D. which ; to be carried

31. People are ________ the use of alternative energy sources because the rate ________ we are now assuming fuels like gas and oil is shocking and they may run out one day.

A. wrestling with; by which             B. pushing for; at which

C. catching up on; at which              D. accounting for; on which

32. It wasn’t until he spent every penny of his_________.

A. did he hire himself out                B. that did he hire himself out

C. that he hired himself out               D. before he hired himself out

33.__________, he failed to handle the fragile vase with great caution and broke it.

A. However he was reminded frequently   B. No matter he was reminded frequently

C. However frequently he was reminded     D. No matter he was frequently reminded

34. Farmers have benefited from ______ is called a water buffalo bank ______a water buffalo results in every farmer owning one and harvesting more with less human labor.

A. what; where     B. that; which      C. which; which    D. which; where

35. The concert, ________ to raise money for the victims of hunger in Ethiopia, was successful in ________the statesmen into doing something about the problem.

A. intending; pressing                  B. intended; pressuring

C. intended; reasoning                  D. intending; persuading

36. Fundamental _______ computers are to ______ more industrial structure, heavy reliance on them may separate people in daily life and affect their interpersonal relationships.

A. as; develop    B. though; developing  C. although; developed  D. because; develop

37. He had just lost his job when, at the precise moment, his girlfriend broke up with him. She ______ salt into his wound.

A. rubbed          B. had rubbed        C. would rub       D. was rubbing

38. Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits ______ can have on the development of the brains of young children.

A. which        B. that               C. it             D. one

39. "I _______ her a long time ago," he doubted, "She doesn't look at all familiar."

A. might have met  B. should have met   C. might meet      D. should meet

40. ---Hi, Nigel. You sure lead a dog’s life. What’s up with that?

--- _________.

A. All are not thieves that dogs bark at.     B. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.

C. Barking dogs don’t bite.               D. My boss wants me to finish the project tonight.

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up the markets, increasingly

41   the world economy into one free-flowing global market. The question is: Is economic globalization   42   for all?

According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce   43   in a large number of developing countries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth   44   to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration (融合) of local economies into the world economy. Home to   45   three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes   46   at an average rate of five percent

47   to two percent in developed countries.

Those who   48   globalization claim that economies in developing countries will benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses.   49  , small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts that would originally have sold only in   50   open-air markets can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet.

Critics take a different view, believing that economic globalization is actually   51   the gap between the rich and poor. A study   52   by the UN-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization shows that only a few developing countries have actually   53   from integration into the world economy and that the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind.   54  , they maintain that globalization may eventually threaten emerging businesses. For example, Indian craftsmen who currently seem to benefit from globalization because they are able to   55   their products may soon face fierce competition that could pot them out of   56  . When large-scale manufacturers start to produce the same goods, or when superstores like Wal-Mart   57  , these small businesses will not be able to   58   and will be crowded out.

One thing is certain about globalization—there is no   59  . Advances in technology combined with more open policies have already created an interconnected world. The   60   now is finding a way to create a kind of globalization that works for the benefit of all.

41. A. transforming   B. transferring        C. transporting        D. transiting

42. A. possible    B. smooth    C. good    D. easy

43. A. crime   B. poverty   C. conflict   D. population

44. A. contributing  B. responding   C. turning   D. owing

45. A. or so          B. some           C. certain           D. only

46. A. remain   B. drop    C. shift    D. increase

47. A. contrasting    B. contrary         C. compared        D. comparing

48. A. doubt   B. define    C. advocate   D. ignore

49. A. In addition  B. For instance  C. In other words  D. All in all

50. A. mature   B. new    C. local    D. foreign

51. A. finding   B. exploring   C. bridging   D. widening

52. A. conducted    B. carrying out       C. got             D. making

53. A. suffered   B. profited   C. learned   D. withdrawn

54. A. Furthermore  B. Therefore      C. However   D. Otherwise

55. A. consume  B. deliver    C. export        D. advertise

56. A. trouble   B. business   C. power    D. mind

57. A. pouring       B. coming in       C. flow           D. move in

58. A. keep up   B. come in   C. go around   D. help out

59. A. taking off  B. getting along     C. holding out     D. turning back

60. A. agreement  B. prediction      C. outcome   D. challenge

第三部分  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


NEMS NEWRI Environmental

Master of Science

NEWRI: Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute

Be a leader in environmental science and engineering

through the NEMS programme

NEWRI Environmental Master of Science(NEMS) is a primary graduate education and research programme conducted by Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU’s) NEWRI, with summer attachment at Stanford University. It aims to train engineers and scientists to meet the increasing environmental challenges for Asia and the wider region.  NEWRI-Nanyang Environment &

Water Research Institute

NEWRI is enabling Singapore to be a global center of environmental science and technology in providing technological solutions to the world. It is committed to environmental and water technologies through its ecosystem of education, research and developmental activities.

NEWRI is trying its best to pull together NTU’s water and environment-related centers and institutes, gathering one another’s strengths for the benefit of industry and society.

Master of Science Applications

● Applications open now and close on 30 May 2013 for Singapore applicants.

● Graduates having relevant engineering or science background, including final-year students, are invited to apply.

● Applicants are required to have a certificate of GRE.

Further information and application materials are available at the Website:

http:// www. Cee.ntu.edu.sg/Graduate/NEMS

Highlights of Programme:

★ Students spend a full summer term at Stanford taking regular courses and continue with the rest of their academic programme at NTU.

★ It is a 12-month full-time course in environmental science & engineering.

★Students under NEMS will have opportunities to do research projects under NEWRI as well as to continue for the Doctor’s degree.

★ Graduating students receive the NTU degree and a certificate from Stanford for their summer attachment.

Scholarship for tuition grants and living expenses at both Stanford and NTU are available.

Enquiry contact:  Ms Christian Soh

Tel:(65) 6861 0507    Fax:(65) 68614606

Email: nems@ntu.edu.sg

Information on other graduate programmes available at:


61. If one wants to apply for the NEMS programme, it is essential for him to ________.

A. have passed the GRE test            B. make contact with Ms Soh

C. possess a university diploma         D. major in engineering or science

