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考试时间:120分钟 试卷总分150分


第Ⅰ卷 (满分105分)

第一部分  听力 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



1. Which of the following does the man need?

A. A card.    B. A video.   C. A magazine.

2. What can be learnt from the conversation?

A. The pictures are satisfactory.

B. The man didn’t take any pictures.

C. The woman’s camera is broken.

3. What is the meaning of the woman ?

A. The man doesn’t have enough experience.

B. It is too late to apply for a job.

C. The man has to fill out an application.

4. What does the man want to do?

A. He wants to attend a meeting.

B. He wants to persuade people to give up smoking.

C. He wants to stop people from smoking at the office.

5. What is the number of piano classes that the woman’s daughter will take next week?

A. One.                  B. Two.                C. Three.




6. How did the woman arrive at the restaurant?

A. She drove there by herself.      B. The Smiths drove her there.

C. Her husband drove her there.

7. What will the woman do next?

A. Have a drink at the bar.    B.  Go to the restroom.     C.Sit down at her table


8. What was the birthplace of the woman’s grandfather ?

A. Rome.              B.Venice.                  C. Milan.

9. What will the woman do next year?

A. Study business in Italy.

B. Work in the fashion industry.

C. Live with an Italian host family.


10. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Some problems in study.   B. Their study plans.      C. Their favorite subjects.

11. Which is right about the man’s English study?

A. He thinks it’s interesting.

B. He can’t be focused on it.

C. He hasn’t studied for the last two days.

12. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. He should give up.

B. He should study with her.

C. He should change the way he feels about English.


13. What did the woman do when she first reached Italy?

A. She worked for Ferragamo.

B. She set up her own company.

C. She traveled around the country for six months.

14. How long did the woman work for Ferragamo?

A. Four years.              B.Five years.           C. Six years.

15. Which of the following does the woman like about living in Italy?

A. The food.            B. The weather.            C. The language.

16. What can we learn about the woman?

A. She designs clothes now.

B. Her field is more competitive now.

C. She often goes back to London for short visits.


17. What is the main idea of this news report?

A. How tourists behaved at a resort.

B. What the Chinese do for fun in summer.

C. How the Chinese beat the heat wave.

18. Why do some people sleep in stores in Shanghai?

A. The stores have air conditioning.

B. There is a water shortage in their apartments.

C. They can sleep on more comfortable beds there.

19. What do some people in Wuhan do?

A. Taking baths in the river.  B. Eating in the river.    C. Playing in the fountains.

20. According to the talk, which of the following has the most creative solution?

A. The people in the wave pool.

B. The residents of Shanghai.

C. The person who took a nap in his bathtub.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


Whenever we are in ______ trouble, we should never lose ______heart.

A. a; the   B. a; a   C. / ; /   D. /; the

Ms. White is considered a ________ lady by her neighbors, for she often helps the poor old man next door.

A. mean   B. relative  C. selfish   D. generous

Our smart phone is of good _______. You can count on it wherever you go.

A. help   B. use    C. quality   D. quantity

I am going to do all I can to _______ the unpleasant impression you have of me.

A. reduce   B. replace  C. promise   D. remove

Tom is always going to school early. It is ________ for him to be late.

A. rare   B. common  C. usual   D. positive

Bill broke the window of the building __________; he can’t get away with it.

A. on business  B. on watch  C. on purpose  D. on average

---Mr. Adams, thank you so much for your kindness!

---________. I’m glad you benefited from it.

A. All the best  B. No thanks  C. My pleasure D. Very well

----Where did you meet Mr Green?

----It was in the hotel ______ he stayed.

A. where   B. that   C. which   D. What

The heat in the desert is __________, so there are few wild animals there.

A. hot   B. huge   C. extreme  D. serious

The number of the unemployed is ________ owing to the financial crisis.

A. on the way  B. on the rise  C on the decline D. on the go

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I was in a parking lot when a tall,sincere man approached me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of Google maps from the airport to a   31   on the main street, but just couldn't   32   it. He clearly didn't have a phone,so after confirming his written directions,I mapped it on my   33   and showed him exactly where he needed to go.

He mentioned that he had   34   going there,but there was no such street number and he couldn't locate his hotel. I   35   it again for him,he thanked me with a big   36  ,shook my hand,and took off. I got into my car and he got into his,and we   37   ways. As I drove to the next store and went in,I found something wasn't sitting right about the   38   —so I googled again and   39   that he was looking for the right   40   but in a city a half hour away!

Unfortunately it had been several minutes,and in the peak rush hour time,the   41   of finding him was slim to none. But I decided to give it a   42   and took off in that direction. I had barely   43   what his car looked like,and was just about to   44  .I parked my car and was   45   what else I could do when the man drove right by and   46   over into a nearby parking spot,still   47   about where he was.

When I pulled in next to him,he couldn't believe it.“  48   did you find me?!” he asked. “I'm not sure,but I   49   that you are in the wrong city!” I showed him the right directions,and after more smiles,laughs and a handshake,we parted ways again. Probably we'll never   50   again,but that makes it all the more sweet.

A. store   B. bank   C. school  D. hotel

A. find    B. reach   C. catch   D. check

A. car   B. phone   C. computer  D. map

A. failed   B. succeeded  C. tried   D. stopped

A. explained  B. provided   C. reminded   D. confirmed

A. smile   B. surprise  C. voice   D. praise

A. drove  B. passed   C. lost   D. parted

A. direction   B. conduction C. solution  D. transportation

A. decided  B. realized  C. forgot  D. expected

A. number  B. address  C. message   D. condition

A. chance   B. time    C. idea   D. courage

A. try   B. hand   C. look    D. speed

A. guessed   B. pointed   C. noticed  D. cared

A. set out  B. give in  C. give up  D. put off

A. remembering  B. considering  C. believing  D. concluding

A. headed  B. rushed  C. pulled  D. left

A. worried  B. crazy   C. excited  D. confused

A. How   B. Why   C. Where   D. When

A. made up  B. took in  C. figured out D. kept off

A. move   B. meet   C. know   D. recognize

