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1.A meeting was held yesterday to ________ whether the new highway should be built or not.

A.argue        B.debate

C.quarrel       D.talk about

答案与解析:B debate常指在正式场合对公共的问题慎重地、有条理地进行辩论,通常按规则进行,并有评判人进行裁决,有时也用在非正式场合;argue是常用词,一般指以摆事实、讲道理的方式或以激烈争论的方式发表意见,侧重就自己的看法和立场,举出理由和事实与别人进行争论;quarrel多指因琐事而争吵,常带有气愤情绪;talk about是“谈论”的意思。由题意知应选B。

2.—I was wondering how to understand the grammar of these sentences.

—You'd better break them ________ into parts.

A.down        B.up

C.off        D.out

答案与解析:A break down意为“毁掉,分解”;break up意为“打破,打碎”;break off意为“中断,停止”;break out意为“爆发”。根据题意,可知应该是把句子分解成几部分。

3.—Will you please use your ________ with him not to do it?

—I will do my best.

A.influence      B.inspiration

C.encouragement      D.effect

答案与解析:A influence意为“有影响或权威的人或事”。inspiration意为“鼓舞,激励”;encouragement意为“鼓励,怂恿”;effect意为“效应,作用,影响”。

4.—The fellow has been suspected ________ an e­mail fraud.

—Nowadays cybercrime is developing ________ an amazing rate.

A.from; at       B.about; in

C.of; with       D.of; at

答案与解析:D suspect sb. of为固定搭配,意为“怀疑某人是……”;rate常与介词at连用,意为“以……的速度”。

5.The club ________ more than 200 members,and the number is increasing.

A.consists of      B.is consisted of

C.makes up of      D.makes up

答案与解析:A 本题考查表示“由……组成”的短语用法,consist of=be made up of。

6.As a reward ________ his contribution ________ botany,Joseph Banks had a flower named  ________ him.

A.for; for; for      B.for; to; after

C.for; for; after      D.of; to; for

答案与解析:B for表示原因;contribution后常接to,表示“对……的贡献”;be named after“以……命名”为固定搭配。

7.—Does she say anything that ________ you especially?

—Not really.

A.attacks           B.attracts

C.appeals         D.appoints

答案与解析:B attract“吸引”,符合题意。attack“攻击”;appeal 表示“吸引”时,其后不能直接跟宾语,应用appeal to;appoint“指定;任命”。

8.The project ________ by the end of 2011,will expand the city's telephone network to cover 2 000 000 users.

A.being accomplished

B.to be accomplished


D.having been accomplished

答案与解析:B accomplish“做成功,完成”。由时间状语by the end of 2011可知用不定式作定语。

9.Imperfect goods are ________ by our quality control center in case they come into the consuming of the customers.

A.rejected       B.accepted

C.realized          D.followed

答案与解析:A reject “拒绝;不接受;抛弃”,常有由于质量问题或不再有用而丢弃的含义,相当于abandon。

10.In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the  ________ in personality.

A.conflict       B.contrast

C.contract       D.concern

答案与解析:A conflict“冲突”符合题意。contrast “差别”;contract“合同”;concern“关心;担忧”。

11.I have ________ our guests to be driven to the church.

A.arranged for      B.organized for

C.arranged      D.advocated

答案与解析:A arranged for“为……作安排”。句意:我已安排好用车把我们的客人送到教堂。

12.As teachers,we should be  ________ of our students' feelings.And then they will trust us.

A.anxious        B.afraid

C.delighted      D.considerate

答案与解析:D 形容词辨析。be considerate of 固定搭配,意思是“体谅”。句意:作为老师,我们应该体谅学生(的感情),这样他们才会相信我们。

13.—Oh dear!How can you ________ such important information?

—Forgive me.

A.leave out      B.carry out

C.give out       D.hold out

答案与解析:A leave out“漏掉”。句意:哦,天哪!我怎能漏掉这么重要的信息?carry out 开展,执行;give out 分发;hold out坚持,维持。

