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(人教版)高二英语上册第5单元知识点:The British Isles





1.Everyone should enjoy the right of access to the________(农村).

2.The________(可能性) of breaking the world record never occurred to him.

3.There will be a________(婚礼) in the village church on Saturday,

4.She________(安排) all her business affairs before going on holiday.

5.The climate here is always hot, summer and winter________(类似的).

6.F________the letter in two before putting it in the envelope.

7.I had a q________with my flatmate about who should do the housework.

8.We've got to fit five people p________all their luggage in the car.

9.The scenery over there was beautiful beyond d________.

10.Each of his rooms was comfortably f________before moving in.

答案:1.countryside 2.possibility 3.wedding 4.arranged

5.alike 6.Fold 7.quarrel 8.plus 9.description 10.furnished


be able to, take the place of, be familiar with,be close to, pick up, of one's own, prefer to, on one's way to, break down, divide....into

1. White lines________the playing area ________sections.

2. By now you will________the one-way system in the centre of town.

3. Nothing in the world could________the family he had lost.

4. When we gave her the bad news, she________and cried.

5.Her career only began to________when she was in her forties.

6. I'd like to have a place________after living together with my friend.

7. I________wear clothes made of natural fibers ratherthan wearfashionable ones.

8. We'll have to stop for fuel________the airport.

9. The children________each other in age though they differ in height.

10. It's so wonderful to________see the sea from my window.

答案:1.divide; into 2.be familiar with 3.take the place of

4.broke down 5.pick up 6.of my own 7.prefer to 8.on our way to 9.are close to 10.be able to


