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1. When will Susan arrive?

A. At 4:30 pm. B. At 5:00 pm. C. At 5:20 pm.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He likes the purple shirt. B. The shirt doesn't match his hat. C. He will change his hat.

3. Why won't the man go to the girl shop?

A. Because it's far away. B. Because the gifts are bad. C. Because it cheats tourists.

4. What does the woman complain about?

A. She has to miss a class. B. Her class starts very early. C. Her class ends very late.

5. Where will the man go first?

A. To the fitness center. B. To the changing room. C. To the sauna.




6. How did the boy get wet?

A. He was caught in a rain. B. He fell into the river. C. He saved a dog in the water.

7. What do you think of the boy?

A. Brave. B. Smart. C. Naughty.


8. Why did the man lose his job?

A. Because he didn't like the job.

B. Because he earned little money.

C. Because he was dismissed.

9. Who is Mary most probably?

A. The man's wife. B.The man's daughter. C. The man's teacher.

10. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A business deal. B. Job hunting. C. A coffee shop.


11. Where can American children find Easter eggs?

A. On lawns. B. In church bells. C. Behind the door.

12. In which country are children rewarded with colorful eggs for singing?

A. America. B. Belgium. C. Austria.

13. What can we learn about Easter eggs?

A. Most people hide them. B. People can't eat them. C. Children have fun with them.

A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.


14.What's the main topic about the dialogue?

A. Geography of Boston. B. Culture and history of Boston. C.Tourism of Boston.

15. How many universities are mentioned here?

A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.

16. Where will they go next?

A. To Plymouth. B. To John Hancock Observatory. C. To Kennedy Library.


17. Which is not included in the reference books?

A. Literature guides. B. Telephone books. C. Magazines.

18. In which room could students find academic journals?

A. The reference room. B. The periodical room. C. The computer room.

19. What isn't needed to look for a book in the library?

A. The book's content. B. The book's title. C. The library card.

20. Who cannot borrow books from the library?

A. Graduate students. B. University teachers. C. High school students.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21.—Do you fully understand what the teacher said?

— _____. I'm a bit c onfused.

A. Not likely B. No way C. Not really D. Not nearly

22.—Why did he write to the mayor's office?

—_____ about the poor taxi service of the city.

A. He complained B. To complain C. Complaining D. Having complained[

23.The number of Chinese students going to America remains 10 times _____ of Americans coming to study in China.

A. those B. one C. that D. it

24.What I said in my book may shock some children, ______ I offer my apologies in advance.

A. from whom B. for whom C. to whom D. towards whom

25.Reading is indeed good for us all, but such books do not ______ you.

A. deal with B. warm up C. agree with D. mix up

26. It is absolutely essential that William ______ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.

A. continue B. continued C. has continued D. would continue

27.—How is your new firm?

—Well, it will be a year before the firm ______ a profit but at least it ______ even.

A. will make; breaks B. makes; is breaking C. will make; is breaking D. makes; breaks

28.As ______ classic movie about courage, struggle, hero and love, Kung Fu Panda II, I believe, will sweep the Oscar Ceremony with many awards, including ______ prize for original screenplay.

A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the

29. The last time they had a great time was ______ they were skiing in a ski resort,

A. where B. how C. when D. what

30. She st arted studying English at college, but ______ to Business Studies in her second year.

A. appeal B. submit C. switch D. adapt

31.At a time when we would get lost, a signpost was found ______ the right road for us to follow.

A. indicated B. indicating C. to be indicated D. having indicated

32.—I hear that our manager will be on business tomorrow.

— ______, I expect him to settle this problem ahead of time.

A. If any B. If only C. If not D. If so

33. —The old woman wouldn't stay at home for a rest even if it rained.

—_____. She would feel sick if she stayed home for one day.

A. So would my grandma B. So wouldn't my grandma

C. Neither would my grandma D. Nor wouldn't my grandma

34.—We will take the College Entrance Examinations soon. Work har d or ______ we'll feel much regret.

—I can't agree more. _____.

A. One is never too old to learn B. A lazy youth, a lousy age

C. Where there is a will, there is a way D. Failure is the mother of success

35.According to a survey conducted recently in Shanghai, the city is facing a workforce ______ of 150,000 personnel.

A. short B. absent C. shortage D. absence

第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My son is growing up, and it scares me. My chances for guidance 36 day by day. I fear that my influence will be 37 by someone. Still, I repeat the basics and the possible 38 in life to him even though he doesn't want to 39 And I hold my 40 that my guidance will save 41 of us.

I know that I haven't lost him 42 , not yet anyway, because of the 43 he gave me the other day when I 44 him off at school.

“I love you,”I said, as always, as he took out his schoolbag. 45 , he'll say, “I love you, too, bye,” but he didn't this time, and was OK with it. He's14, what can I 46 ?Then he looked straight at me.“I love you,”he said 47 . He looked into my eyes to see that I heard him.

His 48 and that look happened unexpectedly. I couldn't even believe my ears. I know him better than 49 else in the world. I can know what he means — “I love you”, too, Mom.I wanted to say it back to you 50 you said it, but there were some people walking by and they might have 51 me and then teased(嘲弄)me, but I didn't mean to 52 your feelings, and I didn't want you to leave 53 hearing it, because I really do love you.Please 54 .

I do understand. I understand that I can't be with him or 55 him every second. Now, I have tried to prepare us both for the separation since he is growing up.

36. A. increase B. decrease C. disappear D. improve

37. A. repeated B. reminded C. replaced D. remained

38. A. problems B. answers C. mistakes D. enjoyments

39. A. listen B. study C. work D. attempt

40. A. review B. belief C. promise D. decision

41. A. neither B. each C. any D. both

42. A. completely B. quickly C. partly D. exactly

43. A. letter B. gift C. look D. guidance

44. A. took B . put C. dropped D. rang

45. A. Usually B. Seldom C. Sometimes D. Never

46. A. imagine B. expect C. suppose D. think

47. A. quietly B. loudly C. proudly D. sadly

48. A. cleverness B. feelings C. happiness D. words

49. A. none B. someone C. anything D. anyone

50. A. when B. until C. unless D. before

51. A. stared B. laughed C. heard D. praised

52, A. influence B. show C. hurt D. arouse

53. A. beyond B. without C. from D. out

54. A. realize B. understand C. recognize D. know

55. A. prevent B. protect C. teach D. reject

