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第 一 卷(选择题 满分100分)



1. What does the woman suggest the man do ?

A. Stop eating fast food.   B. Eat more fruit.    C. Check his weight.

2. What will the man do ?

A. Lock the cupboard.   B. Ask Jim for help.   C. Move the cupboard himself.

3. Why does the woman hate her roommate ?

A. She makes a terrible mess in the house.

B. She always wears the woman’s clothes.

C. She never washes dishes.

4. What are the speakers mainly talking about ?

A. Staying at home.       B. Reducing air pollution.  C. Enjoying fresh air.

5. How will the speakers know the way to the Science Museum ?

A. By consulting a map.         B. By asking others.            C. By visiting a website.



6. Where are the speakers ?[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]

A. In Brazil.                   B. In America.                C. In Britain.

7. What was the professor doing when the woman arrived ?

A. Cooking .                   B. Having a shower.            C. Setting the table.

8. When should the woman have arrived at her professor’s house ?

A. At about 7:00.       B. At about 7:10.       C. At about 7:20.


9. What did the woman work for five years ago ?

A. The EU                    B. The BBC.              C. The VOA.

10. Where did the woman grow up ?

A. In America.                 B. In Britain.                  C. In Argentina.

11. What did the woman go to Argentina for three years ago ?

A. Work.                      B. Pleasure.                   C. Sightseeing.


12. Where does the conversation take place ?

A. In a studio.             B. In a travel agency.             C. In an Internet café.

13. When are calls cheaper in Britain ?

A. From 6:00 a.m. to 8: 00 p.m.

B. From 8:00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m.

C. From 6:00 p.m. to 8: 00 a.m.

14. What does the man say about the youth hotels ?

A. Small.                    B. Clean.                      C. Expensive.[来源:学科网Z-X-X-K]


15. What does the boy think is bad with a teenager ?

A. He can’t buy what he wants.  B. He has to do the housework.    C. He needs to do homework.

16. How many days does the boy’s mother work a week ?

A. Four.                 B. Five.                        C. Six.

17. What does the boy think of his mother’s life ?

A. Busy.                   B. Boring.                      C. Wonderful.


18. What time is it now ?

A. 8:20 a.m.              B. 8:40 a.m.                      C. 9:00 a.m.

19. What was the weather probably like yesterday ?

A. Hot.                   B. Cool.                         C. Cold.

20. What do we know about the movie?

A. It will be on at 9:00 p.m.    B. It is a new one.               C. It is free.

