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新人教版高三英语上册重点单词短语:Unit 4 Making the news



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Unit 4 Making the news



1.eager 2.admirable admire 3.profession professional 4.concentrate concentration

5.acquire acquired 6.assess assessment 7.inform information 8.delighted delight 9.guilty guilt 10.demand demanding 11.thorough thoroughly 12.gifted gift 13.crime criminal

14.accurate accuracy 15.approve approval


1.accuse sb.of sth. 2.by accident 3.in turn 4.be supposed to 5.think about 6.与某人约会 7.期待,盼望 8.独自 9.集中精力做某事 10.说明;查明


1.Not only am I interested in 2.was to strongly influence 3.where 4.Here comes


1.Never will 2.Not only am I 3.Here comes



1.1)assisting police with their inquiries 2)assisted her to find employment 3)would assist in

keeping the peace 4)With the assistance of the expert 5)assistant

2.1)concentrate all our efforts on improving 2)concentrate more on prevention 3)concentrate his forces 4)concentrating on fishing

3.1)informed us of his decision 2)The teacher informed us that 3)inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem 4)Keep me informed of 5)look up information

4.1)a severe case 2)In this case 3)in case it rains 4)In no case 5)In case of fire

5.1)This sport demands both speed and strength.

2)They demand that the library (should) be open every day.

3)This job is very demanding.

4)who are fed on demand

6.1)approve of her marriage 2)approved the plan 3)approve of your trying to earn some money

4)showed his approval by smiling


1.1)depends on his parents to take care of the children 2)depending on 3)it depends 4)may depend on it

2.1)accused him of stealing her watch 2)accused bad luck for his failure 3)was accused of cheating

3.1)so as to 2)so as to make a soup 3)so as not to 4)not so stupid as to do that 5)In order to keep insects out

4.1)He is always ahead of the age.

2)He‟s ahead of me in English.

3)He didn‟t want to go there ahead of time.

