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“This morning33did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"

"Don't you remember? When you were 34to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through 35 !"

The entire crowd stopped talking and complaining. You couldn't hear anything36the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. The mother paused and thought for a moment .

Now some would laugh it off and say that the girl may be 37 . Some might care little about what was said, but this was really something in a young child's life.

"Honey, you are 38right. Surely we just need washing," Mom said. Then off they ran.

We all stood watching and smiling as they ran past the cars. They held their shopping bags over their heads. They were 39 by a few people who screamed and laughed like children all the way to

their cars. And yes, I did too . I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Many years have passed, and yet the scene often flashes in my mind. Bad luck or people can take away your money and health, but no one can ever take away your

40memories. I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.

26A. blowingB. rainingC. flowingD. whistling

27A. patientlyB. disappointedlyC. uneasilyD. unluckily

28A. ifB. becauseC. beforeD. unless

29A. heartB. smileC. temperD. voice

30A. restB. runC. waitD. play

31A. talkedB. shoutedC. repeatedD. cried

32A. putB. raisedC. foundD. pulled

33A. WhyB. WhenC. WhereD. How

34A. talkingB. reportingC. complainingD. lying

35A. anyB. someC. anythingD. nothing

36A. aboutB. withC. acrossD. except

37A. sillyB. curiousC. carelessD. friendly

38A. probablyB. partlyC. completelyD. hardly

39A. caughtB. followedC. keptD. taught

40A. ordinaryB. formalC. unforgettableD. local


26: 选B. it 指天气,通过并列句water fell to hit the earth,所以用raining.

27: 选A. patiently 与but后的hurried 形成对比.

28: 选B. because 表示angry 的原因.

29: 选D. sweet—甜美的voice.

30: 选C. wait 与上文的waited形成照应。

31: 选C. repeated 表示话语“let’s run through the rain”的重复,动作的重复.

32: 选D. pull one’s arm 表示拉某人的胳膊,表示质疑询问。

33: 选B. when与this morning 形成时间上的照应,同时表示时间上的反问?

34: 选A. 通过下午积极地生活态度,排除complaining, lying, reporting太正式,文章生活化,选择talking.

35: 选C. anything 表示任何困难。

36: 选D. not any =no, nothing but 表示只有,but可用except代替。

37: 选A. 根据语境silly 表示天真可笑。

38: 选C. surely照应completely。

39: 选B. by 和“I did too选出答案followed.

40: 选C. flash in one’s mind 照应选项unfogottable.

第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分30分)




Long long ago, a traveler once visited a city where everyone wore blue. Puzzled, he went to a dyer and said, “Please dye the handkerchief red.”

“I don’t know how to dye red.”

“Then dye it green.”

“I can’t dye it green. There are forty master dyers in this city, and every one of us can dye only blue.” “I can dye all colors.” said the traveler, “Hire me and I’ll teach you my art.”

“we never allow a stranger to enter our field”, said the dyer.

The traveler made the same offer to the other master dyers,but none would hire him. So he began his own dye shop.

People soon crowded around asking, “What are all these beautiful colors called?” He answered, “ This is red and that yellow and ....” Everyone began bringing him cloth to dye. When the master dyers saw this, they quickly apologized for their past words, begging him to hire them and teach them his art.

The traveler made the same offer to the other master dyers,but none would hire him. So he began his own dye shop.

People soon crowded around asking, “What are all these beautiful colors called?” He answered, “ This is red and that yellow and ....” Everyone began bringing him cloth to dye. When the master dyers saw this, they quickly apologized for their past words, begging him to hire them and teach them his art.

41.What was the strangest thing about the city to the traveler?

A. It was a nice and old city.

B. Everyone wore the same color.

C. There were forty master dyers.

D. The dyers didn’t use machines.

42.Why did the traveler visit the first dyers?

A.To have all his clothes dyed blue.

B. To have his handkerchief dyed yellow.

C. To see if the dyer could dye different colors.

D. To sell the dyer some new material for dyeing.

43.None of the dyers could hire the traveler because he____.

A. made fun of them

B. wanted too much money

C. was a new-comer

D. knew nothing about dyeing

44.What can learn form the story?

A. Do hire a stranger.

B. Do visit strange cities.

C. Don’t wear only blue clothes.

D. Don’t refuse to learn new things.

