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1. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Take her to the Smith Hotel.   B. Show her the way to the Smith Hotel.

C. Show her the way to the hospital.

2. What does the woman want to do?

A. Open the door.   B. Let the man in.   C. Open the window.

3. What will the man do this Saturday?

A. He’s going to the woman’s home for dinner.

B. He’s going to meet the woman’s family instead of her.

C. He’s going to have dinner with the woman’s family in a restaurant.

4. How will the man probably go downtown?

A. He is likely to take a bus.  B. He is likely to take a taxi.  C. He is likely to take the underground.

5. What did the man suggest the woman do?

A. The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the morning.

B. The man suggested that the woman go outdoors in the morning.

C. The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the evening.




6. What does Martha look now?

A. Whiter.   B. A little tired.   C. Blacker.

7. Where do you think Fiji is?

A. Near the sea.  B. Far from Japan.   C. To the north of Japan.

8. Which is not included in what Martha did in Fiji?

A. Swimming.   B. Fishing.    C. Played on the sand.


9. When does the man eat fast food?

A. Every day.   B. On workdays.   C. On weekends.

10. What is the main reason that the man eats fast food?

A. Convenience.  B. Taste.     C. Benefits to health.

11. What does the man think of fast food?

A. It’s his favorite.  B. It’s part of his life.  C. It needs improving.


12. What does the woman want to do in the evening?

A. Stay at home.  B. Hold a dinner party.  C. Have a drink..

13. What does the man think people should do at the weekend?

A. Rest and have fun.  B. Have a good sleep.  C. Take some exercise.

14. How does the woman feel about the man’s plan for this Saturday?

A. She is very satisfied.  B. She is pretty sad.   C. She is a little angry.


15. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Supplies for school.  B. Computer games.  C. Financial problems.

16. What does the girl want to buy now?

A. Pencils.    B. A computer.   C. An eraser.

17. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The girl studies very hard.   B. The speakers will go shopping tomorrow.

C. The father finally gave in to his daughter.


18. How many sports are there in the Games and how many gold medals will be competed for?

A. 28; 302.    B. 37; 302.    C. 24; 72.

19. Where will the torch be lit?

A. In Beijing.    B. In Athens.    C. In Mount Qomolangma.

20. When does the Olympic torch arrive in Beijing?

A. On March 24.   B. On August 8.   C. On March


第一节  多项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


21. It is reported that in the air crash in Malaysia, nobody of MH370 on board ______ it with 239 passengers and the crew killed.

A. avoided    B. suffered    C. missed    D. survived

22. What made me very confused was that none of her early letters _____ events which happened in her childhood.

A. concerned   B. meant    C. set    D. relatedxkb1.com

23. A: Jenny told me that Mike’s company caught fire last night. Was he injured?

B: Luckily, he had a narrow _______ from the fire, but some of his workmates were killed by the fire.

A. trap  B. wound C. track D. escape

24. Mr Wang’s company set up a department which offered free ____________ to those laid-off workers on how to start their own business.

A. guidance B. insurance C. outlines D. headlines

25. To see is to believe; the proverb literally tells us that secondhand experience is less _____ than firsthand experience, which is perfectly true.

A. changeable  B.reasonable  C.reliable  D.unbelievable

26. Jenny has made it an aim to become a good dancer and I believe she can _______whatever troubles on her way forward.

A. conquer B. spellbind C. ignore D. recover

27. Crazy about iPhone 6 plus, Rod is determined to buy one, ________ it means standing out of the Apple store in the long queue all night.

A. so that             B. however       C. even though      D. as if

28. Tonny, I’m afraid your father can’t help you check your homework now. ______, he is very busy at the moment.

A. Gradually    B. Actually    C. Normally    D. Nearly

29. As a saying goes, “Good friends do not ______what they do for each other ; instead they offer help when it is needed”.

A. make up       B. come up   C. set up       D. add up

30. After hearing what the girl ____ when she was teaching in a mountain village, everyone present was deeply moved and what she had done was highly thought of.

A. cared about  B. went through  C. got along  D. blew up

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


We are not all  40  for a little lie here and there. Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and Snow White are just a few examples of   41   for parents to keep magic in the world. Magic , imagination and creativity are very essential(必要的) in life,   42  for children. These stories battle against the negative(负面的)aspects of the world and create  43 . In the end children will be able to  44  what is true and what was made to  45  their lives. Take my own experience for example. I have five brothers and a sister and I can happily report that no one of the children I grew up with was  46  when we discovered who all those  47   people really were.

