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Writing a letter to your future self is an experience that y ou write a personal note to yourself, seal (密封) it and only open it to read in some years. When you’re writing the letter , it helps crystallize(使具体化) exactly what you expect yourself to become at that specific moment down the road. When you open the letter in the future, you can compare what you used to be in the past with what you are currently. This lets you see how much you’ve grown or changed since you wrote the letter.

So writing a letter to your future self can be an interesting experience. Now look at today’s date and imagine you writing to yourself of exactly X years later. Think about what type of person you’ll be, what you’ll have achieved then, what you’ll think of and how you’ll feel, and so on. You can include all of these in the letter.

Once you finish the letter, sign off your name with the date on which you write it, and then you can put the papers into an envelope on which the cover writes “ to [ Your Name]. To be opened on [Date]”. After sealing it, put this envelope in a private place where only you yourself can get it. And finally open the letter on the date you wrote on the envelope and enjoy it in love and joy.

You can either write it as a hard copy or have it as a digital soft copy. You can also write a hard copy firstly, and then change it into a soft copy document on your computer in case you lose the hard copy. You can also try Futureme.org , an online service that stores and sends information to a specified(指定的) e-mail address any time you specify in the future. Anyway, be sure to write a letter to your future self!

Topic Write a letter to your future self

(76)_________  Allow you to know (77)_______ about your goals for the future while

writing it.

Enable you to see your (78)__________ for changes while reading it.

Examples of what to

write  The type of person you’ll be.

Your possible future (79)_______.

The thoughts and (80)________ you’ll experience.

After (81)_________

the letter   Write down your name and the date on which you write it in the letter.

Seal the letter in an envelope and write the date to (82)______ it on the


Put the envelope in a place where nobody but you can (83)______ it.

Ways to (84)_______

the letter  Write it as a hard copy or keep it as a soft copy in the computer.

Take advantage of Futureme.org and it will send a(n)(85)________ to you

at the specified time.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假如你是“Heart to Heart”栏目的编辑Jane,最近你收到张华的一封来信,她在信中说,由于刚进入高中,还不能适应环境,不知道如何去交新朋友,因而情绪低落。请你给她回信,内容如下:

1. 向她表示安慰。

2. 针对她的问题提出建议:

3. 表达对她的祝福。



Dear Zhang Hua,

I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering the high school. ___________________






(Text 1)

W: Do you like your new room ?

M: It’s nice to have enough space for all my things , so I’m glad I moved. But I miss my friends and neighbors. I especially miss living so close to the school.

(Text 2)

M. How much are the tickets?

W: They’re ten dollars each for the general public,but student tickets are half price .

(Text 3)

W: Do you get along well with Jack at the office ?

M: He ordered everyone about as if he were the boss there.

(Text 4)

M: We really need to replace the batteries in that radio.

W: Why not the whole radio?

(Text 5)

W: I think I should buy a better dictionary. But I spent too much money on my new dress.

M:You should plan first. Good dictionaries do cost a lot of money nowadays.


(Text 6)

M:  We’ve just moved into a house.

W:  Really? Congratulations!

M:  Thank you, and we want to buy a new television set.

W:  What kind of television set do you want to buy?

M:  A color TV set, of course, but I’m not sure about the size. Maybe we should buy a big one. If we buy a small one, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger oneThat would be a waste of money. What’s your opinion?

W:  In my opinion, I don't think it’s necessary to buy a very big one.

M:  Any reason?

W:  Ye s. As I know, your sitting room isn’t very big. If you put in a very big television, it will be bad for your eyes, and a small TV set can still pick up good programmes.

M:  Mm, that’s quite sure. I’ll think about it.

W:  You’d better make a quick decision because the price may go up soon.

(Text 7)

M:  Today, let’s talk about certain countries of the world and about the languages which the people of these countries speak. First of all, in what countries of the world is English spoken?

W:  English is spoken in Britain, the United States, Canada, and Australia.

M:  Where is Spanish spoken?

W:  Spanish is spoken in all the important countries of South America except Brazil. What language is spoken in Brazil?

M:  Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

W:  What language is spoken in France, Germany, Russia?

M:  In France, the people speak French, in Germany they speak German, in Russia, Russian.

W: These are all important languages.Of course, there are also Italian, Japanese, and Chinese.English is perhaps the most popular language in the world today and people in schools everywhere study English. Spanish is almost equally spoken everywhere without Central and South America. French is a beautiful and popular language.Languages change, of course and their importance changes with the importance of the nations they represent.When a nation becomes more important and more powerful, its languages grow in importance.When a nation become less powerful, its language naturally decreases in importance.

(Text 8)

W: Sue, what are your plans for the weekend?

M: I do not know for sure. I am thinking of seeing a film.

W: Oh, no. that’s too boring, sitting there still and watching for hours.

M: Do you have any good suggestions?

W: What about joining us in going to the seashore? We have planned it for quite a while. We can have a lot of fun there. Say swim, surf, play volleyball, barbecue, enjoy the sunshine, etc. Wow, I can’t wait any longer.

M: Sounds great! It looks like a sunny weekend. It could be fun going there.

W:  Absolutely. Come and join us.

M:  Okay. Should I bring anything?

W:  Take your hat with you so you won’t get burnt.

M:  Got it!

(Text 9)

M:  Hi, Jenny. Is it true you are moving to London?

W:  Yes, it is.

M:  What made you decide to do that?

W:  Work, mainly. I’m sure I’ll be able to find a job there.

M:  You are probably right. But where are you going to live?

W:  I hope I will find a flat to share with somebody. That’ll be cheaper.

M:  Yes, that’s a good idea. Are you taking your dog with you?

W:  No, I don't think so. My parents have offered to take care of him, and I don't think he’d be happy in the city.

M:  You are probably right. But aren’t you afraid of moving to such a big place, especially after living in a small village?

W:  Not really. I think I’ll enjoy myself. There’s so much to do there. I expect I won’t miss the countryside much and I can always come back and visit.

M: Well, I just hope you’ll invit e me to stay when you get settled.

W: Of course I will.

(Text 10)

Deep Springs is an American college.It is an unusual college.It is high in the White Mountains in California not in college town.The campus is a collection of old buildings with no beautiful classrooms.The only college-like thing about Deep Springs is its library.Students can borrow from the 17,000 books 24 hours a day.The library is never crowded as there are only 24 excellent boy students at the college. And there are only 5 professors.These teachers believe in the idea of the college. They are not well paid.In fact, their salaries are only about 9,000 dollars a year.The college gives the teachers and students something more important than money.There is no place like Deep Springs.Students are there to learn and they cannot run away from problems because there is no place to escape to.At most colleges students can close their books and go to a film.They can go out to restaurants or to parties, but the students in Deep Springs have completely difficult activities.They can talk to each other or their teachers.They might go out for a walk in the desert.Deep Springs is far from the world of restaurants and cinemas.There is not even a television set on the campus.





