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59. A. newspaper  B. magazine C. program  D. project

60. A. controlled  B. comforted C. reminded  D. raise

第二节:语法填空 根据句意用连词或所给单词适当形式填空(每小题1.5分满分15分)

61. To my anger , I had to clean all the room ________ my brother just sat watching TV.

62. Do you know the girl _______ is talking with our English teacher?

63. Are you __________ about your future? (concern)

64. The curtain is __________(dust). Why not wash it right now?

65. After the operation , he finally ___________ (recovery)

66. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long ____ I’ve grown crazy about everything to do with nature.

67. They _______ ________ dinner when I visited them. (have)

68. Set down what your teacher says in class , _____ you’ll forget it after class.

69. I am very happy to have understood the ____________ knowledge(知识) (entirely)

70. Shake your head If you __________ with me.(agree).

第三节:单词拼写 根据句意或所给单词适当形式填空(每小题一分满分10分)

71. What ________me most is I can’t go to Beijing with my Dad next week.(使心烦,不安)

72. You must keep c___________ when you face with danger.

73. I want to know why you always i____________ my advice. What’s wrong with you?

74.90% of the students like activities ___________(在户外)

75. I am not sure whether Lily will ________ in China.(定居)

76.Don’t let postcards s___________ your holidays. (毁掉)

77. Please don’t _________ their kindness , or you’ll regret.(拒绝)

78.  I like reading d _________________stories , especially Shylock Holmes’ (福尔摩斯)

79. You’d better not listen to what we are talking. It is a p___________ conversation.(私人的)

80. Before you do it, _________ what I told you just now. (重复)

第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

Joe Sanders have the most beautiful garden in our town. Near everybody enters "The Nicest Garden Competition" each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is large than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flower and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interested. He has make neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over the pool. I like gardens too, and I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the bad garden in the town!

书面表达 (满分25分)

学生李明到华山中学上学已经半个学期了。现在很焦虑 (anxiety)。原因如下1.高中的课程内容加深,变难,因为没有好的学习方法,学起来很吃力2. 因为腼腆(shy),不敢问老师问题。3.原来学校的学习优势已经不复存在,导致学习信心下降。

假设你是心理老师裴老师,请给他一封建议信,帮他消除焦虑感,让他对华山的学习充满自信。(可以适当发挥,120词以内,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数,须使用以下连接词(first of all , what’s more, in addition, /besides …)内容要点如下:

首先(First of all),做出科学的学习计划…

此外(What’s more),上课要专心听讲,做好笔记…

还有(In addition),这儿的老师都很热心,善良,遇到难题向他们求教时千万别害羞…

另外(Besides),请记住,并非你不优秀(excellent),而是你有了更多竞争者(competitor)。你要做的就是更加努力地学习。相信你自己,你能做到的。(not that …but…)

Dear Li Ming,

I am sorry to hear about your anxiety. Don’t worry ! It’s normal for some students who have studied in Hua Shan High School. I’d like to share my tips with you.

First of all ,


What’s more ,


In addition,


Besides, please remember: not that



I hope my tips will help you feel confident.

Best wishes

Ms Pei


听力:1-5: BACCC 6-10: CABCB 11-15: CBBAB 16-20: BAACB

阅读:  21-25:ADADA            26-30 BACDC        31-35: DDBBB

7选5 :36.G 37.B 38.E 39.A 40.C

完型:41~45 CCACB  46~50 CBDDA  51~55 ADBCA  56~ 60 BDCBD

语法填空:61. while   62. who          63.concerned      64.dusty      65. recovered

66. that    67. were having    68. or            69. entire     70. disagree

单词拼写:71. upset   72. calm         73. ignore       74. outdoors     75. settle

76. face to face    77. refuse   78. detective    79. private       80. repeat


have –has             Near-nearly       enters ^ for     large-larger     flower-flowers

interested-interesting    make-made        the-a          and- but       bad-worse


Dear Li Ming,

I am sorry to hear about your anxiety. Don’t worry ! It’s normal for some students who have studied in Hua Shan High School. I’d like to share my tips with you.

First of all , you should make a careful and scientific study plan. According to the plan , your goal is very clear. You know what you do, how to do, when to do.

What’s more , Listen to your teachers carefully in class. Remember to preview the lesson and make notes and review them after class.

In addition, all the teachers here are kind and warm-hearted. Don’t be shy to turn to your teachers for help when you come across some difficult problems from any subjects.

Besides ,please remember not that you are not excellent but there are better students in the campus. What you should do is to study harder. Believe yourself. You can do it.

I hope my tips will help you feel better.

Best wishes

Ms Pei





