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高一英语上册Unit 5单元测试题:Theme parks



2.  A. disappeared      B. known

C. public            D. popular

3.  A. mostly             B. almost

C. not nearly        D. practical

4.  A. he                   B. who

C. that                 D. where

5.  A. painting           B. people

C. character         D. photos

6.  A. where             B. which

C. what               D. that

7.  A. that               B. all what

C. what              D. which

8.  A. was begun       B. was broken out

C. broke out        D. had begun

9.  A. still                B. yet

C. already           D. ever

10.  A. help              B. service

C. supply           D. do

11.  A. unless            B. except

C. until             D. but

12.  A. find              B. search

C. develop        D. discover

13.  A. move            B. to move

C. be moving      D. moved

14.  A. lives             B. live

C. alive              D. life

15.  A. attended        B. joined in

C. joined           D. took part in

16.  A. set out          B. set in

C. set up             D. set down

17.  A. to use          B. having been used

C. to be used       D. using

18.  A. added             B. placed

C. took              D. brought up

19.  A. discouraged     B. pleased

C. disappointed      D. frightened

20.  A. example         B. accident

C. failure             D. success

三. 阅读理解


O.Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O.Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. When some money went missing from the bank. O.Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing.  He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the readers’surprise.

1.In which order did O.Henry do the following things?

a. Lived in New York.

b. Worked in a bank.

c. Travelled to Texas.

d. Was put in prison.

e. Had a newspaper job.

f. Learned to write stories.

A. e, c, f, b, d, a

B. c, e, b, d ,f, a

C. e, b, d, c, a, f

D. c, b, e, d, a, f

2. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because_____.

A. they had surprise endings

B. they were easy to understand

C. they showed his love for the poor

D. they were about New York City

3. O. Henry went to prison because___

A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper

B. he broke the law by not using his own name

C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners

D. people thought he had taken money that was not his

4. What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?

A. He was well-educated.

B. He was not serious about his work.

C. He was devoted to the poor.

D. He was very good at learning.

5. Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?

A. His life inside the prison.

B. The newspaper articles he wrote.

C. The city and people of New York.

D. His exciting early life as a boy.


San Francisco is where I grew up between the ages of two and ten and where I lived for a period when I was about 13 and again as a married man from the ages of 37 to 51. My mother, who is now 90, still lives in Los Gatos, about 60 miles south of San Francisco. I settled in London over 25 years ago.

I was born in New York and I love the United States. I knew it well, having played in every town and, during the war, in every army camp. I have grown new roots in London as I did in France and if I am asked now where I want to live for ever, I would say London. But I will always remain an American citizen.

San Francisco, like London, has many parks. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as children. I didn’t go to school. My whole formal education lasted three hours when I was five. I was sent to school but came home at noon on the first day and said I didn’t enjoy it, and I hadn’t learned anything. My parents decided, wisely I think, that school was not for me and I never went back.

My mother then took over my education and brought up my two sisters and me rather in the way of an English lady who had a good education. A lot of attention was paid to languages and reading rather than sciences and mathematics. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers and we were required to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park and on our walks my mother taught me to read music. One day I noticed a little toy train in the window of a shop and I remember now how I’d like to have it. I couldn’t’t roll my “r” when I was small and my mother, who was very strict with pronunciation, said if I could pronounce an “r” well. I’d have the toy train. I practised and one morning woke everybody up with my “r” s. I got the toy train. I usually get the things I want in life—but I work hard for them.

1. When the writer was twelve he was living in ______.

A. San Francisco

B. Los Gatos

C. London

D. a place unknown to the reader

2. During the war, the writer _______.

A. became an American soldier

B. had grown new roots in London

C. gave concerts for soldiers

D. left the United States

3. The writer did not attend school in America because _______.

A. his mother wanted him to go to school in England

B. his parents did not think formal education was proper for him

C. his mother wanted him to play outdoors in the parks

D. he couldn’t get on well with the other children

