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高一英语上册Unit 5单元测试题:Theme parks



4. He had his education all home by_______.

A. his mother and other teachers

B. an English lady who had good education

C. his mother and two sisters

D. teachers of languages and sciences

5. The writer got the little toy train by______.

A. borrowing the money for it

B. learning to read music

C. succeeding in speaking properly

D. working hard at his lessons



一, 回忆下列单词的词性和汉语意思:

various    adj. 不同的; 各种各样的

cartoon   n. 卡通

fantasy    n. 幻想,怪念头

swung    swing的过去式

n. 秋千; 摇摆 vt&vi 摇摆; 摆动

attraction  n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引

tourism    n. 旅游业

carpenter   n. 木匠

engine     n. 引擎, 发动机

preserve    vt. 保存; 保留 n. 保护区

length     n. 长度

deed        n. 行动,事迹

tournament  n.  锦标赛

amusement park   游乐园

roller coaster      过山车

fairy tale         神话故事

no wonder        难怪; 不足为奇

be modeled after   根据.....模仿;仿造

二, 阅读


1. A theme park is a large area which is designed around one subject such as water, food, culture, science or history.

2. Theme parks offer different kinds of activities related to the theme. For example, a sports theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch, and they can buy sports equipment or clothing, such as basketballs, footballs, sneakers and so on.

Fast reading:

Three theme parks are mentioned. They are Disneyland, Dollywood, and Camelot.


一. 阅读课文,从中找到下列各句,并译成汉语。

1. Theme parks—fun and more than fun


b. She is more than a Chinese teacher, she is a writer, too.

c. I’ve known David for more than 20 years.

d. I am more than glad to help you.

2. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you.

a. 不论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么,总会有适合你的主题公园.

b. It takes three hours, whichever route you take.

c. Take whichever that suits you best.

d. Whichever side wins, I shall be satisfied.

e. It has the same result, whichever way you do it.

f. You can write about whatever topic you prefer.

g. He wouldn’t listen to me, no matter what I said.

3. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.

a.当你在梦幻乐园漫步时, 你可能会在游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或米老鼠.

b. When   c. As   d. when   e. when

f. 作为   g. 像…..一样   h. 因为

i. 尽管   j. 如同,按照

4. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

a.有这么多引人入胜的东西, 难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园, 哪里的旅游业就会发展.

b. No wonder you are tired, you have been walking for hours.

c. It’s no wonder that you are late.

d. Wherever there is water, there is life.

5. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters,……….

a. 一些公园因为有最大或者最长的过山车而出名.

b. France is famous for its wine.

c. as  d. as  e. for  f. for

g. as  h. be known as/ for

6. Come to Hollywood to have fun learning all about America’s historical southeastern culture.

a. 欢迎来好莱坞享受了解美国东南部历史文化乐趣.

b. We had great fun playing basketball together.

c. We had great difficulty walking home in the snowstorm.

二. 改错.

1. for 改成as

2. I have made my dreams come true.

I have realized my dream.

3.  去a

4.  去of

5.  frightening改成frightened

6.  We have no difficulty finding our way home.

三. 汉译英;

1.  Are you familiar with the computer software?

2. One’s dreams do not always come true.

3. It’s a present for one of my children.

4. He has no idea how to run a business.

5. He modeled himself after his father.



1-5: BBACB     6-10: CBDBC  11-15: CBCDC   16-17:CD


1-5: CDBBC     6-10: ACCBA   11-15: CAACC   16-20: CCABD

三: 阅读

A) 1-5: BADDC  B) 1-5: DCBAC

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