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人教版高一英语下册第七单元知识点解析:Modern agriculture




1.The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is _____.

A.the shortage of arable land B.lack of labor force

C.lack of technology D.lack of money

【答案】 A

2.Scientists have started to develop new technology to increase agricultural production without harming the environment since _____.

A.the 19th century B.modern times

C.the early 1990s D.the 1980s

【答案】 C

3.New techniques are those which can _____.

A.increase agricultural production

B.protect the environment from being harmed

C.bring in great profit

D.not only increase agriculture production but also be friendly to the environment

【答案】 D

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Jia Sixie was the earliest agricultural scientist.

B.The knowledge in Qi Min Yao Shu is not useful for farmers today.

C.Jia Sixie's book is a practical guide to farming.

D.Jia Sixie's book deals with only farming.

【答案】 C

5.Jia Sixie's book includes advice on the following subjects except _____.

A.making wine B.keeping cows,sheep and fish

C.growing vegetables and trees D.making food

【答案】 D

6.The best harvest is reached when _____.

A.farmers change the crops in their fields

B.farmers plough the soil deeper

C.farmers sow seed at the correct time of the year

D.much fertilizer is put into the fields

【答案】 A

7.Passage 1 mainly tells us about _____.

A.farmers in China B.the development of agriculture in China

C.advanced technology in China D.genetically modified plants in China

【答案】 B

8.Passage 2 is mainly about _____.

A.farming in China B.gardening in China

C.the history of agriculture in China D.Jia Sixie and his Qi Min Yao Shu

【答案】 D

9.Which of the following is most probable in future agriculture according to Text 1?

A.Only high technology is used.

B.It will greatly harm the environment.

C.It will depend on only traditional methods.

D.It will depend on both high technology and traditional methods.

【答案】 D

10.From Text 2 we can see that _____.

A.traditional methods are still of great use B.traditional methods should be given up

C.traditional methods are of no use D.traditional methods are out of date

【答案】 A


