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2015高一英语教案:Unit7 To Your Good Health



(4)be able to run, walk, or swim faster.

(5)find that everything in your body will work together better.

3.What is the important information?

(1)The heart is a muscle which pumps blood through blood vessels to all the

cells in our bodies. Our hearts beat continually every day.

(2)Blood feeds and removes waste from the cells

(3)To keep our hearts healthy, we need to do enjoyable physical

(4)Activities and eat healthy foods every day.

4.What does your heart look like?

(1)My heart is about as big as my fist.

(2)My heart beats about 90 times per minute. (at rest)

(3) My heart is located in my chest, slightly to the left of the cent re.

(4) Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the left side of my heart to the rest of my body.

5.Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from my body to the right side of my heart.

Detailed reading(true or faulse questions):

(1)Your body is a simple network of system.

(2)The more you use your body, the worse it works.

(3)Being fit helps you to stay alert and focused on your lessons.

(4)Your body has a few ways to use the food that you eat.

(5)Physical exercise acts like a stimulant which gives you energy.

(6)If you are really fit ,you will be able to twist and turn the part of your body.

(7)Blood feeds and absorbs waste from the cells.

(8)My heart is located in my chest, slightly to the right of the center.

(9)Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from my body to the right side  of my heart.

Fill in the blanks.

Danny gave a _______________ about what _________ mean. Every day you use your ____  to do _________ things. Your body is a ____________________ of Systems. The _____ you use your body, the _______ it works. When your body is __________ fit , you will be able to do a lot of things: ____________ things; ________ better; ________ better; ________________________________ better and have_____________ and have more ______. If you are fit , you are work over longer period of time , h ave strong ______,run walk or ______ faster and find that everything in your body will work ________ better. The heart blood arteries and veins play different _______ in our life. To keep our hearts healthy, we need to __________________ activities and eat ________ food every day.

Step 3. After-reading


Do you often have such life experiences? For example, you can't do physical things for a long time; you won't fall asleep at night easily and always feel tired after waking up the next day, in class you are often absentminded instead of focusing your attention on your lessons. In that case, please discuss the following questions with your partners:

1. What are the causes of these phenomena?

2. How can you deal with the problem?

3. How important is good health to you?




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