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高一英语教案范文:Unit12 Art and literature




Unit 12   Art and literature教学案


1. 学习和掌握以下单词和习惯用语

1) 单词

literature; Leonardo da Vinci; Pablo Picasso; romantic; comedy; exhibition; local; magic; power; trick; wonder; series; scar; forehead; Hogwarts; witchcraft; wizard; wizardry; miserable; treat; unhappy; goodness; habit; villager; shoulder; whisper; chamber; charm; stupid; password; sesame; compare; announcement; checklist

2) 习惯用语

a series of; in trouble; come across; believe in; turn abound

2. 功能意念项目


3. 语法



4. 语言运用

运用所学语言,围绕文学艺术这一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Art and literature”,确切理解并完成有关课文内容和练习;练习设计一张海报。

二、学 习 指 导

1. 单词和习惯用语的用法

1)power n. 能力;力量;权力

例: Carrying this baggage requires a lot of power. 搬运这个行李要很大的力气。

This parrot has the power to imitate human words. 这只鹦鹉有模仿人类语言的能力。

The dictator held absolute power over his people. 那独裁者握有对人民的绝对权力。

come to/into power 掌握政权;得势

He came to power in 1987. 他1987年掌权。

2)trick n. 诡计;窍门;恶作剧

例:Her tears were just a trick to deceive others. 她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的诡计。

I haven’t got the trick of driving this car yet. 我还不晓得开这部车的诀窍。

Our children used to play tricks on us. 我们的小孩以前常常捉弄我们。

play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

Trick or treat! 不请吃糖,就恶作剧!(万圣节孩子用语)

3)treat vt. 对待;视为;治疗;款待

例:They treated us with all respect. 他们郑重其事地接待我们。

You should treat your textbooks with more care. 你使用教科书要更加细心。

They treated him with a new drug. 他们用新药医治他的病。

He treated her for a broken arm. 他为她医治那条骨折的手臂。

It’s my turn to treat you tonight. 今晚轮到我请客。

She treated me to lunch. 她请我吃午饭。

treat… as … 把……当作……看待

My mother treated my proposal as a joke. 母亲把我的提议当玩笑看待。

We treated this matter as one of importance. 我们把此事视为重要问题。

类似的短语还有:look upon … as …; regard … as …; consider … as …; think of … as … 等等。

4) in trouble 处于困境中;在监禁中

例:She is in great trouble, so she needs your advice. 她遇到了很大的困难,所以需要你的忠告。

He was in trouble with the Customs. 他在海关那里有了麻烦。

ask/look for trouble  自讨苦吃;自找麻烦

get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境

put sb. to trouble 给某人增添麻烦

take the trouble to do 费神做;不辞劳苦地做

5)come across/upon 偶然遇到;碰上

例:We've just come across an old friend we haven't seen for ages.


含义基本相同的短语还有:ran into/across; meet(up)with

例:I ran across an old friend in the street. 我在街上碰到一位老朋友。

His car ran into the post.他的车撞到柱子上。

I met with an traffic accident.我遭遇到车祸。

I met up with an old classmate in the crowd. 我在人群中偶然遇到了一个老同学。

The President is to meet with the press this afternoon.总统预定今天下午会见记者。

6)believe in 和 believe

believe in 表示因可靠、有能力、品德好等原因而“信任”某人,属总的评价,常跟简单宾语,偶尔跟含动词ing形式的复合宾语; 而believe 表示相信某人某时某地所说的话,并不涉及对其总的评价,含有信以为真的意味。

例:I believe him. 我相信(他说的话)。

They believe him to have done it. 他们相信他做了这件事。

I believe him an honest student. 我相信他是个诚实的学生。

I believe in him. 我信任他。

I don’t believe in the theory. 我不相信这套理论。

7)habit n. 习惯;习性

例:It is his habit to jog before breakfast. 他习惯在早餐前慢跑。

She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading. 她在阅读时有玩弄头发的癖好。

be in the habit of doing sth. = have a/the habit of doing sth.

She is in the habit of listening to music while studying. 她有边读书边听音乐的习惯。

fall/get into the habit of doing sth. = form the habit of doing sth.养成做……的习惯

get out of the habit of doing sth. 改掉做……的习惯

He got out of the habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的习惯。

8)compare v.比较;相比;比喻

compare…with… 把……和……相比较;compare…to…把……比喻成……;

