A Talk time
Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
1 This section continues to practice the comparative and superlative forms and helps students to take part in conversations expressing opinions.
2 Linguists often use the concept of maintaining face to explain many language structures. If someone disagrees with you but does not wish to offend you, they must use language forms that soften any threat to you. When we say something that pleases someone, such as agreeing with them, we can be much more straightforward.
3 Read the examples in the Student's Book, and then point out the following additional expressions of agreement.
Yes, indeed.
Yes, (that's) exactly what I think.
I agree totally/ 100%/ completely.
That's just what I was going to say.
I think so, too.
Yes, that's right.
How true!
4 Expressing disagreement is sometimes more of a problem. Here students are taught a very bare form, suitable to their level. Certainly, a direct form such as I don't agree should be spoken with some hesitation in the voice.
5 Adverbs are often used to weaken the force of the disagreement (e.g., I don't really agree; I don't altogether agree.). Point out these other forms of disagreements.
I'm not so sure about that.
Do you really think so?
I'm a bit surprised you say that.
Well, that's a matter of opinion.
I wouldn't say that.
6 Do ExA1. Read the dialogue to the class and tell them to practise it. Then ask one or two pairs of students to perform it.
7 Do Ex A2 and A3.
B Speak up
1 This activity requires students to prepare and carry out a simple survey in English. It also allows them to have some variety in the task. It is not essential for of them to have the same survey questions.
2 Let students work in pairs or in groups of three to produce eight questions on this topic. If possible, check their questions (mainly to make sure they make sense) before the next stage.
Sample questions are given below but students are free to have difference questions.
3 If time permits, let some students report back to the class. They cam this by simply reading out their questions and summarizing some of the results.
Asking 'Yes', 'No' questions
This is a familiar game which is sometimes called 'Twenty Questions'. The game practices the skill of forming questions in English, which most students find difficult. However, this is an important skill in both life and exam. This game also develops logical thinking. In this variation, students must imagine that they are a famous person or a character.
Sample questions:
Are you alive/dead/real/fictional?
Were you in books/songs/films/poems?
Do/Did you live in Europe/Asia/China?
Did you live hundreds/thousands of years ago?
Did you live in the 18th/21st century?
Did you write books/paint pictures/fight battles?
Are you a film star/singer/politician/sportsman/woman?
Have you ever been in a film/visited China?
Are you a cartoon character/character in a legend?
Using English Abbreviations
1 Abbreviations are useful in note-taking, as well as being items that the students will see frequently. Ask the class to do Exercise A.
This exercise gives further practice in using the comparative form of adjectives in a context analyzed task. It also practices information-transfer skills. Ask students to work individually to complete the two exercises.
Additional activity:
Ask students to write a few sentences comparing:
their primary school and their secondary school;
Shanghai and Beijing;
Trams and buses.
(1) 以写人为主,(2) 以记事为主,(3) 以写景为主,(4) 以写物为主,(5) 游记的形式。
We tried to capture Troy for ten years, but failed. And then we thought of a trick.
We built a huge, wooden horse and left it outside the main gate. During the night, our army disappeared, but they did not go far away. In the morning, the citizens of Troy saw the horse. They did not know that I was inside with five other soldiers.
The citizens opened their gates and pulled the horse into the main square of the city. That night, they celebrated and made jokes about us. Then they made sure that the gates were locked and went to sleep.
After they were asleep, we climbed out of the horse. We opened the gates and our army entered the city.
We then went to the room of the captain of the guards. We seized him and dragged him away.