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at the age of 在……岁时

I left school at the age of 18. 我中学毕业时18岁。

He got married at the age of 28. 他28岁时结婚。

【注】at the age of 有时也略成at age。如:

She reads books already at age five. 她5岁已能读书了。

At age 70, he retired and moved to Florida. 他70岁退休,并搬到佛罗里达州。

at the beginning of 在……开始时

The war broke out at the beginning of the 20th century. 战争爆发于20世纪之初。

At the beginning of a book there is often a table of contents. 在一本书的开头常常有个目录。

【注】若没有介词of,at the beginning则表示“在开始时”。如:

He didn’t like it at the beginning. 开始他并不喜欢它。

at the bottom of 在……的底部,在……的尽头,在……的最后;是……的原因

Sign your name at the bottom of the page. 请在这页的最后签上你的名字。

We grow vegetables at the bottom of our garden. 我们在花园的尽头种蔬菜。

He is at the bottom of the class. 他在班上排名最后。

Wine is at the bottom of his illness. 饮酒是他生病的根本原因。

【注】若没有介词of,at the bottom则表示“在底部”“在最后”等。如:

He fell down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. 他从楼梯上摔下来,直跌到楼梯底部滚成一团。

at the cost of 以……为代价

He finished the work at the cost of his health. 他把工作完成了,但身体却垮了。

He saved his daughter from the fire, but only at the cost of his own life. 他从大火中救出他女儿,但却牺牲了自己的生命。

at the end of 在……的末端(末尾)

At the end of the street you’ll find the hospital. 在街的尽头,你可以找到那家医院。

The crowd stood up and cheered at the end of the concert. 音乐会结束的时候,人群起立欢呼。

【注】若没有介词of,at the end则表示“在最后”“在末尾”等。如:

I think the film is a bit weak at the end. 我认为这部电影的末尾差一些。

at the expense of 以……为代价;由……出钱

He devoted his time to football at the expense of his studies. 他把时间花在踢足球上而影响了学习。

He travelled at the expense of the state. 他用国家的钱旅行。

at the foot of 在……的脚下(末端)

At the foot of the mountain there was an inn. 山脚下有家客栈。

Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed. 每张床的床尾都放有备用毛毯。

at the mention of 一提到……就

He brightened up at the mention of wine. 一提到有酒他就面露喜色。

He pales at the mention of these things. 一提到这些事他就脸色发白。

at the mercy of 任由……摆布或控制

The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 船在暴风雨中失去控制。

She was not free of him and was at his mercy. 她还没有摆脱他,还受他的控制。

at the peak of 在……的顶峰

She’s at the peak of her career. 她正处于她事业的顶峰。

She was at the peak of her playing career when she injured herself. 她受伤时正处于运动事业的顶峰。

at the point of 正要,在……之际

We were at the point of going when he arrived. 他到达时我们正要离开。【注】在实际使用时,其中的介词at通常换成on。如:


