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1.quality 质量,品质 2.willing 愿意 3.active活跃的 4.fight打仗,斗争 5.peaceful和平的,平静的 6.prison监狱 7.period时期 8.law法律 9.advise建议 10.continue继续 11.stage阶段,舞台 12.vote投票 13.attack进攻,攻击 14.position位置,职务 15.accept接受 16.equal平等的,相等的 17.educate教育 18.fear担忧,害怕 19.reward报酬,回报 20.opinion意见,看法


1.worry about 担忧 2.be equal to 等于 3.out of work 失业 4.in trouble 在麻烦中 5.be sentenced to 被判刑 6. lose heart 灰心丧气 7.be free from 没有,不受 8.help... with. . .在某方面帮某人 9.be willing to 愿意 10.as a matter of fact 事实上 11.fight against 反抗,和…斗争 12.put…in prison 把…投进监狱 13.set up 成立 14.blow up 炸毁 15.come to power 当权,上台 16. escape from 从…逃跑 17.find out 查清楚,弄明白 18.break the law 犯法 19.beg for 乞求 20. stop…from… 阻止…做 21. fall ill 生病 22. achieve one’s dream 实现梦想 23. be hopeful about 对…充满希望


1. This was a time when...这是一个......的时期。

2. The first time …第一次…的时候

3. Only 修饰状语放句首引导倒装句

4. should have done本应做某事而未做

5. stop... from doing sth.阻止……做某事


1. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government. 我们被放在这样一个处境:要么承认我们不如白人重要,要么和政府作斗争。

fight 短语

fight +n. 与------ 作战 / 打架 = fight against sth

fight for 为了----- 而战

fight against 与------作战 / 斗争

fight with 与------作战 / 并肩作战

fight back 还击

fight sb/sth off 抵抗或击退

fight about/over sth 因…而争吵


(1) fight a cold 抗感冒 fight a battle/ a war 打仗

(2) fight off repeated enemy attacks 击退敌人一次又一次的进攻

(3) fight for independence/ equal rights为了独立/平等权利而战

(4) fight against poverty/ injustice 与贫穷/不公正作斗争

(5) If the enemy comes, we’ll fight back. 如果敌人来,我们将还击。

(6) Two dogs are fighting over a bone. 两只狗在为一块骨头撕咬。

(7) We will have to fight against difficulties. 我们将不得不与困难作斗争。


