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I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分)

A) 选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上)

31. In England, people usually put “Mr” before the _________ of a man.

A. given name         B. family name           C. first name         D. middle name

32. After school we usually play _________ soccer for half   _________ hour on _________  sports ground.

A. /; an; the         B. the; a; the           C. /; a; /            D. the; an; a

33. Frank can't find _________ dictionary. Can you lend _________ to _________?

A. her; mine; her     B. his; yours; him       C. my; yours; he      D. /; yours; his

34. — Is this your shoe?

— Yes, it is, but where is _________?

A. the others         B. other one             C. another            D. the other one

35. There are _________ boats on the river. The _________ one is Ada's.

A. five; fifth        B. fifth; five           C. five; fiveth       D. fiveth; five

36. Sam eats too much _________. He doesn't eat any _________.

A. chickens; tomato   B. tomato; chicken       C. chicken; tomatoes  D. tomatoes; chicken

37. Can you see _________ car over there near the tree?

A. a beautiful red    B. beautiful a red       C. a red beautiful    D. red a beautiful

38. Here is a card _________ our teacher _________ our best wishes _________ it.

A. of; with; to       B. from; to; with        C. to; for; on        D. for; with; on

39. — Mum, _________ I play computer games?

— Yes, you can, but you have to finish your homework first.

A. must               B. may                   C. will               D. need

40. That storybook is very _________.  The children are _________ in it.

A. interesting; interest                       B. interest; interested

C. interesting; interested                     D. interested; interesting

41. — Isn't she a bus driver?

— _________. She is a postwoman.

A. No, she isn't      B. Yes, she is           C. No, she is         D. Yes, she isn't

42. The skirt in that shop really looks smart, _________ it is too small for me.

A. or                 B. and                   C. but                D. so

43. Would you like _________ a football game or _________ a book?

A. to see; look at    B. look at; read         C. watch; look at     D. to watch; read

44. — _________ does your classmate John look like?

— He's very short, and always wears jeans.

A. How                B. What                  C. Who                D. Which

45. — Do you know where Tom lives?

— Certainly. He lives at _________, near my house.

A. Tonghua, 289 Xinhua Road, China             B. Beijing, Chang'an Road, China

C. 56 Hope Road, London, England               D. the USA, New York, 43 Green Road

B) 情景对话。(答案涂在答题纸上)

46. — You look very nice in that T-shirt, Bob.

— _________.

A. You're so kind                              B. Sorry, I don't like it at all

C. It's OK                                     D. Thanks

47. — Hello, is that 665-9525?

— _________. It's 679-5525.

A. Sorry, wrong number                         B. Yes, who's that

C. Speak, please                               D. Sorry, he isn't in

48. — _________?

— It's purple. What about yours?

— It's pink.

A. Do you like pink or purple                  B. What colour is your new dress

C. Is your favourite colour purple             D. What colour do you like best

49. — Good morning. Can I help you?

— Yes. _________.

A. You must lose weight                        B. I'm always ready to help others

C. I know the way to the hospital              D. I want a hamburger, please

50. — Dad, I can't find my sweater.

— _________?

— Oh, yes. Thank you, Dad.

A. Where's your sweater                        B. Whose sweater do you like best

C. Is the one on the chair yours               D. Do you know where it is

II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) (共20小题,计30分;51—60小题每题1分,61—70小题每题2分)



51. From this report, Tom seems (看起来) to be _________.

A. happy in his classes         B. not doing his best

C. the top student              D. the worst student

52. In which subject does Tom have the lowest grade?

A. Art.       B. English.       C. PE.         D. Science.

53. The fact that Tom gets “A+” in Art shows that _________.

A. he likes Art                 B. he doesn't paint well

C. he likes the teacher         D. he dislikes Art

54. What's the meaning of the word “comment” according to the school report?

A. 闲谈       B. 表扬           C. 评语        D. 批评

55. Tom is the _________ in his class.

A. 22nd       B. 21st           C. 30th        D. 32nd



56. Which would be good names for Shop A, Shop B and Shop C?

A. Ely's Game Zone; Billy's Sporting Goods; Amazon Clothing Shop

B. Frozen Dessert Shop; Ely's Game Zone; Amazon Teen Clothing

C. Amazon Clothing Shop; Billy's Sporting Goods; Ely's Game Zone

D. Billy's Sporting Goods; Ely's Game Zone; Amazon Teen Clothing

57. If you and your friend both want to have a new flavour of ice cream, you two will have to pay _________ at least (最少).

A. 9 cents                     B. 18 cents

C. 90 cents                    D. 180 cents

58. The original price (原价) of a T-shirt is $12. How much is it at Shop C this weekend?

A. $3.60.         B. $4.       C. $8.40.      D. $8.

59. You can't go shopping in the Brand New City Mall at _________.

A. 5:00 p.m. on Monday         B. 9:00 p.m. on Sunday

C. 10:00 a.m. on Friday        D. 5:00 p.m. on Saturday

60. Which is TRUE according to the leaflet (传单)?

