
2013-06-13 18:10:38 字体放大:  

tool 工具 nail 钉子 steel ruler 钢尺

wire 电线 scissors 剪刀 hammer 铁锤

office 办公室 boss 老板 secretary 秘书 employee 受雇者

employer 雇主 applicant 申请人 candidate 候选人

vacation 假期 interview 面试 qualification 资格

type a letter 打字 send a fax 发传真 arrange the file 整理文件

computer 电脑 printer 打印机 copier 复印机

resume 简历 job experience 工作经验

salary 薪水 wage 工资 income 收入

court 法庭 judge 法官 lawyer 律师 jury 陪审团

crime 犯罪 guilty 有罪 not guilty 无罪

innocent 清白的 accuse 控诉 sentence 判决


① Where does this conversation must probably/likely take place?

② Where are the man and woman at the moment?

③ Where are the two speakers?

④ Where did it happen?

⑤ Where is the man probably going to work?

【例1】 2001.1

M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?

W: Sorry, I don’t know for sure. But I guess it’s an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalog.

Q: Where does their conversation most probably take place?

A) At a bookstore B) In a workshop

C) At an art gallery D) In a department store

【解析】 提前积累地点(bookstore、workshop、art gallery、department store)相关信息词汇。原文中出现的oil painting,18th century work与C选项中的art gallery(美术馆)词汇同现。所以选答案C。

【例2】 2002.1

W: You seem very confident about the job interview, don’t you?

M: Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit in a clothing store. I had my hair cut. I have studied almost everything about finance and economics.

Q: Where is the man probably going to work?

A) In a bank B) In a school

C) In a clothing store D) In a barbershop

【解析】 播音前积累地点(bank、school、clothing store、barbershop)相关信息词汇。这题陷阱极多,我们来一一分解:had studied是过去完成时,仅表示面试前的知识准备,而非在学校工作;bought a good suit和had my hair cut也是面试前的过去动作,而不是将要去的地方;finance and economics是银行中的信息词,也是M学习的科目,故选A。


