A Such persons have a weak or damaged heart,high blood pressure,or other problems of the blood system.
B Several of these conditions are present at the same time.
C Most people suffer only muscle pain as a result of heat stress.
D Several hot days are considered a heat wave.
E So does extreme heat.
F Doctors say people can do many things to protect themselves from the dangers of extreme heat.
1.E本文的标题是Heat Is Killer,通篇文章说的是heat的危害性及预防方法。“空l”前面的句子说,“Floods,storms,volcano eruptions and other natural events kill thousands of people every year”,“空l”后面的句子说,“…heat may be nature‘s deadliest killer”。将两个句子所表达的意思汇总来看,floods,storms,volcano eruptions和高温都是杀手,而以高温更烈。“空l”的句子一定与“杀手”有关。五个选项中只有+E符合这个条件,所以E是答案。
2.D“空2”后面的句子说到heat waves,而选项D的句子中也出现heat wave,说明这两个句子意思上有联系。“空2”的句子是对“heat wave”下定义,为下一句的展开作了铺垫。D是答案。
4.C紧跟“空4”后面句子中有特指的the pain,说明前文一定出现过pain这个词。选项C的句子中有pain,且C的句子填人后,上下文意思连贯,所以是答案。