Keywords and buzzwords are similar. Keywords are words that help a document appear in a search engine result; general skills areas and proficiencies. Buzzwords are also keywords but they are more specific, relating to terminology within an industry or work sector. They can be grouped as follows:关键字和流行词十分相似。关键字是帮助文档在搜索引擎快速查询结果的词语;一般技能领域和熟练程度。流行词也是关键词,都是他们更具体,涉及到一个行业或部门的工作用语。归类如下:
Specific job titles and departments found in that profession具体职位和部门的特殊职位
Most frequently used words in job adverts within the specific industry在某一具体行业的 招聘 广告中经常出现的词汇
Vocational degrees and qualifications职业和学历学位
Jargon and acronyms specific to that industry具体行业的行话或术语
Different employers think different buzzwords are important; their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords.不同的雇主对于流行语的侧重点亦不同。他们的广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你的简历中可以添加这些术语。
Word processed (noun) Composed on the computer
Handwritten (adj) Written by hand, not typed or printed
Tailor (verb) Adapt for a particular end
Personal profile (noun) Short statement about yourself
Aspirations (noun) Ambitions
Attributes (noun) Characteristics, qualities
Succinct (adj) Clearly expressed in a few words
Format (noun) Layout, general appearance
Database(noun) Collection of data or records
Competences (noun) Abilities
Buzzwords (noun) Keywords specific to a particular field
Terminology (noun) Vocabulary of technical terms