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1)He ________________buy) a dictionary next week.

2)Mike _______________ ( visit) his grandparents last weekend.

3)Did you____________ clean) the room last Sunday?

4)Amy ______________(watch) TV every weekend.

5)Look, they_____________________ (fly) kites now.


1、Dear Chen Jie:

How are you? I can’t wait to show you my holiday pictures. Last week , my father mother and I came Hangzhou by

train. It is a beautiful place. I had so much fun here. I went to the West Lake and rowed a boat. I saw many

fish in the lake. I also climbed a mountain. There are colorful flowers, green trees in the mountain. I took

many pictures. Hang Zhou food is tasty. I went to a restaurant and ate good food. I’ll be back on Monday . I

bought presents for you. What’s it? Guess.

Yours Sarah


1)Where did they go on the holiday?________________________________

2)What did he do there ?___________________________________________



3) When did they do there?__________________________________

4) How did they go there? ___________________________________

5) Who did she go with? ______________________________________

6) When will she be back?______________________________________

7) Did she buy presents for Chenjie?____________________________

八、翻译小文章: An apple a day keeps the doctor away

A: My God! You’re not looking well._________________________________

B: I’ve felt tried lately. ____________________________________________

A: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter?_____________________________

B: I don’t know._________________________________________________

A: You’d better eat some apples everyday. You see, an apple a day keeps the doctor


B: Yes, I will. It’s very kind of you. Many thanks.________________________

A: You’re welcome.___________________________________________-_


1. lately: 近来,最近。

2. You’d better: 你最好……(是在给别人建议时经常使用的语句)

精品学习网提供的英语六年级综合毕业试卷 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!




