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3. Did you go hiking yesterday?

4. How does Amy feel?

5. What did you do last weekend?

六 、Listen and write.听音,补全对话,每空一词。(10%)

1. What’s the matter ? I hurt my leg .

2. I have a bad cold . My throat is  sore.

3. My mother is 4 cm shorter than my father .

4. Zhang Peng is much heavier than Wu Yifan .

5. Lisa feels very excited, because she’s going on a big trip .

七. 听录音,写出你所听到的那个词。

Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents on Saturday morning. They cooked noodles together

in the evening. Then they watched TV. On Sunday morning ,Wu Yifan played football with his friends.

八、Listen and tick.听录音,用“√”划出你听到的那一项.。(10%)

1.John played football.He’s very tired now.

2. Sarah stays at home today, because it’s raining outside. She’s bored.

3.Mike is going on a big trip. He’s so happy.

4.——How are you, Amy? You look sad.

—— I failed the game.

5.Chen Jie looks sad today. Because she failed the math test.


