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1.  — Who runs ____in your class?  — Liu Wei. (      )    A. faster  B.fastest   C.fasttest   D.the faster

2.She is _____her Chinese teacher.(      )      A.talk in  B.talks in  C.talking with  D.talk with

3.Don ‘ t say that in _____ of an elephant.(     )    A.middle  B.front   C.one     D.the middle

4.The reading room is on _______floor.(      )     A.first    B.the one  C.the fifth  D.second

5.Look at the five _________.(      )       A.runer   B.runner   C.runs    D.runners

6.I ‘d like _______him.(      )           A.ask    B.asks     C.to ask   D.asking

7.A:In which season can you swim in the river? B: ____(     )   A.Summer  B. Spring  C. Autumn  D. Winter

8. — What’s the weacher like today? — _______(      )

A. It ’ s fine.  B. I ’ m fine. C. It ’ s wind. D. It will be cloudy.

9. I ‘ll grow rice and wheat _____ the people.(     )      A. of       B. to      C. for      D. at

10. What ___she do when she grows up? (      )    A. does     B. will      C. do     D. is

二.完成下列句子翻译。(10分)    1、明天天气怎样? _________ the weather like___________?

2、我一点也不喜欢游泳。  I  don ’ t like swimming _____  ______.

3、他回去寻找第六头驴。He goes ______to look for the_____ donkey.

4我将教学生们读和写。 I’ ll ________students to ______ and write.

5如果我爬上一棵树,我将看的更远。____  I  climb up a tree,  I  can see ____.


1.Would you like____________(come) to my home?   2.Lulu is __________(good) than Eve.

3.Listen! Jim ______________(sing) in the next room.   4.____________(not jump) on the bed,,Tom.

5.When is ________________(children) Day?   6. I t will be __________(sun) tomorrow.

7.Miss Liu is on _____________(three) floor.   8.The four _________(deer) are on the hill.

9.Can you speak _____________(England)?   10.Bob is the ___________(fat) of the four.

四、情景反应。(20分)          A)根据情景选择正确的表达方式。(10分)

(     )1.当你听说别人生病了,你应说:______.

A.I ’ m glad to hear that.    B.I ‘ m sorry to hear that.    C.That ‘ s great.

(     )2.当你想知道计算机房在哪里时,你应问:_____

A.Where is the reading room?   B.Where is the computer room?    C.Who is in the computer room?

(     )3.当你想知道别人的理想是什么,你应问:______

A.What will you do when you grow up?      B.What do you do?        C.What are you doing?

(     )4.晚上睡觉前,你应对家人说:_______A.Good evening!  B. Good night!   C. Good morning!

(     )5.当你想请求别人帮助时,你应说:____

A.Can  I  help you?     B. Can you help me?     C.What can  I  do for you?


(     )1.How ’ s the weather today?    (     )2.Are you washing clothes?    (     )3.May  I  borrow your ruler?  (     )4.What class is he in?   (     )5.Who is the one in the middle?           A.He is in Class 2,Grade 6.

B.Certainly,here you are.          C .It ’ s snowy.                D.He is John.      E.No,  I’ m drawing.

五、补充对话。 A)从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话,将序号填在空白处。(10分)

A:Hello,Mike!①           B:Sorry,Gaoshan. I ’ m busy.   A:What are you going to do?    B:②

A:③              B:He lives in Beijing now.A:Is he from America?   B:④

A:Can  I  make friends with him?  B:⑤

A.Yes,he ’ s from New York.     B.Sure,come with me   .C.Can you play table tennis with me?

D.How are you? E.I ’ m going to meet my friend,Jim.  F. w here does he live?  G.Yes,he ’ s from London.


A:Can  I  ______ you, sir?      B:Yes,please.  I  want to buy a dress ________ my daughter.

A:Is this one ok? B:Well,it ’ s nice,but it ’ s so long.    A:What __________ this blue one? It ’ s shorter.

B:But my daughter likes red. _______ you got a red one?    A:Yes, here it is.    B:Ok,  I’ ll _______ it.

