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___________  ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________


(1) 写出括号中的单词。

1. Where is the ________________?(医院)

2. I am going to the cinema __________________.(明天)

3. Where does the ___________(雨) come from?

4. My father is an _______________.(工程师)

5. There is a _____________(图书馆) in our school.


1. The elephant is _____________ (heavy) than the dog.

2. I ___________ (take) a picture last Sunday.

3. Tom likes ___________(ride) a bike.

4. My aunt is a ___________.(sing)

5. Tom’s leg ___________.(hurt)

三、判断下列单词中黑体字母读音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F。5

(   ) 1. hobby   collect

(   ) 2. look    good

(   ) 3. ride     bike

(   ) 4. stamp   play

(   ) 5. week    teach


(   ) 1. 上午见面应该说:

A .Good afternoon.  B. Good morning.   C. Good bye.

(   ) 2. 询问对方身体状况,应该说:

A.Nice to meet you.  B. How are you?   C. May I know your name?

(   ) 3. 询问某人银行在那里时应该说:

A. Excuse me, where is the bank?   B. Sorry, where is the bank?

C. Thank you, where is the bank, please?

(   ) 4. 同学过生日时应该说:

A. How are you?  B. Happy birthday.  C. Nice to see you.

(   ) 5. 别人对你说:“Happy new year!”时,你应该说:

A. Thank you.   B. The same to you.   C.Goodbye.

(   ) 6. Mike: Who’s that girl? Kate: _______________

A. She’s my sister, Sarah.  B. He’s my brother. C. She is over there.

(   ) 7. We go to Beijing        train.

A. on   B. in  C. by

(   ) 8. --- How can I get to the post office?

--- You can _______ the No.11 bus.

A. take   B. on    C.by

(   ) 9. --- What’s your hobby?

--- I like ____________.

A. make kites    B. made kites  C. making kites

(   ) 10. ---What’s _____ hobby?

---He likes playing football.

A. he   B. his   C. your

(   ) 11. ---What did you do last weekend?

--- I _____my grandparents.

A. visit   B. visited  C. visits

(   ) 12. Ann ___ cartoons on TV every evening.

A. watches   B. watching   C. to watch

(   ) 13. Tom says he ______ China soon.

A. is going to  B. are going to  C. am going to

(   ) 14. ______he learn English last night?

A. Did   B. Does C. Is

(   ) 15. --- What’s the matter ______ you?

--- I feel sick. I have a sore throat.

A. with    B. for    C. of


(   ) I went to a park. How about you?

(   ) Did you watch TV?

(   ) What did you do last weekend?

(   ) Yes, I did.

(   ) I read books with my sister.

