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亲爱的小朋友,快乐的暑假来到了,你们可以放松一下自己了!在愉快的暑 假中, 希望你们能按时认真地完成暑假作业。下面是为大家分享的六年级英语作业答案,希望对大家有帮助。

Passage 1

15 White House Road Washington U.S. April 6th Dear mum,

I missed you and dad so much. Now I’ve just moved to a three-bedroom apartment close to my university. I’m sharing it with two other girls. They are Susan and Jill.

My room is bright and quite large. On Monday and Wednesday mornings I don’t have any classes, so I stay in my room and study. It’s very quiet here and I can do a lot of work. Usually my classes start at 9 a.m. and finish at 2 p.m. After classes I always come home and do my homework. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I have a swim in the public pool nearby.

The other two girls are really nice. In the evening, we usually chat or watch television together at home. Sometimes we go out for shopping. At weekends, we often go on an outing by bike and have picnics in the park. I hope you can come soon. I’m sure you’ll like my apartment.

Love Judy


1. Does Judy live by herself?(live alone)

2. What does Judy do on Monday and Wednesday mornings? 3. What time do Judy’s classes begin?

4. How often does she go swimming after class?

5. What do Judy and her friends sometimes do in the evening?

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Judy studies in _________ now. She has _____ roommates, Susan and Jill. Her room is bright and _______. She stays in her room on ________ and ________ morning,

because she doesn’t have classes. She usually goes _______ after school. She likes her roommates. They often _______ or watch TV at home. They often go and have a _________.

