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( ) 41.A. now B. cow C. window ( ) 42.A. taste B. place C. drank ( ) 43.A. warmer B. card C. carton ( ) 44.A. here B. there C. where ( ) 45.A.good B. football C. room


46. My pencil is (长的) of the three.

47.Tom and Jim are ____________(朋友).

48. Let’s ________(乘) a train to Beijing.

49. Mr Li will ________(教) us English next year.

50. We _________(给) them some cakes yesterday.

51. My cousin is going to ________(写) a letter to me now.

52. I have two___________(叔叔).

53. These books are _________(他们的).

54. She can __________ (打) basketball well.

55. Jenny is ___________ (寄) a gift her friend.


( )56. ---What did you do yesterday? ---__________

A. I am reading. B. I did housework. C. I will visit Grandma ( )57. It is cold now, please _________.

A. turn on the fan B. open the window C. close the door ( )58. ---- _____ did they go to the park? ---- On foot.

A. How B. When C. Where

( )59. Our classroom is very big, but _______is much bigger. A. her B. hers C. she’s ( )60. I am hungry now. I want some__________.

A. bread B. water C. pens

