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Little Ida's Flowers

A long time ago, there was a kid named 'Ida'. She liked flowers very much.  One day, her flowers were all faded away. "My flowers are all dry and dead. What  happened to them?" Ida asked a man sitting right next to her.

"The flowers went to a ball last night. That's why they are hanging their  heads down." Ida felt strange to hear what he said. "How can flowers dance? I  thought they could not dance."

"Late at night, flowers dance and run around from place to place. That castle  over there is the place of the party." He kept talking. "If you go to the  castle, you can see the flowers. Go to your garden and tell the flowers quietly  that they have a party tonight. Then, one flower will tell the news to the  others."

   "How can the flowers speak?" Her curiosity grew bigger. "Flowers give and  receive their messages through their body language. Have you seen the flowers  shake their leaves when the wind blows?" "Wow, that's really interesting."

