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6. The busy businessman is flying ______ Japan.

7. — Who was _____ you when you were ill?

— My parents.

8. Thank you ______ doing so much _____ me.

Ⅶ. 翻译


______________________ with you?

2.Black一家在北京呆了多久? 大约三年了.

________ did _______ in Beiijing? __________ three years.


I don’t know __________ to me.

4.她在飞机上呆了一整天, 她一直无法享受乘飞机旅行的乐趣.

She stayed on the plane __________. She really couldn't ________ by plane ________________.

Ⅷ. 完形填空

Bessie is a ___1___ girl. She is only five years ___2____. She ____3____ go to school, and of course she doesn’t know __4___ to read and write. ____5___ her sister, Mary, is a schoolgirl. She is ten.

One day, Mary saw her little sister ____6___ the table with a pen in her hand and ___7___ in front of her.

“What are you ___8___, Bessie?” she said.

“ I’m writing a letter ___9___ my friend Kitty,” said Bessie.

“But how can you?” said her sister. “ You __10___ how to write.”

“Well,” said Bessie, “it doesn’t matter. Because Kitty doesn’t know how to read.”

( )1. A. young B. little C. good D. tall

( )2. A. old B. young C. long D. short

( )3. A. isn’t B. is C. does D. doesn’t

( )4. A. why B. which C. where D. how

( )5. A. And B. But C. So D. Then

( )6. A. on B. in C. at D. for

( )7. A. a paper B. a big piece paper

C. big piece papers D. a big piece of paper

( )8. A. do B. does C. doing D. can do

( )9. A. for B. to C. with D. at

( )10. A. don’t know B. aren’t know

C. can’t know D. may not know

Ⅸ. 阅读理解

An old woman has a cat. The cat is now very old. She cannot run fast, and she can’t bite(咬). One day the old cat sees a mouse, she jumps and catches the mouse. But she can’t bite it, so the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away.

Then the old woman becomes very angry because the cat can’t kill the mouse. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, “Don’t beat your old servant(仆人). Don’t beat your old servant. Don’t be unkind to the old. When they are young, they can do good work.”

( )1. What does the old woman have?

A. The old woman has a young cat.

B. The old woman has an old dog.

C. The old woman has an old cat.

D. The old woman has an old mouse.

( )2. Why can’t the cat run fast?

A. Because she is very fast.

B. Because she is not slow.

C. Because she is not old.

D. Because she is not young.

( )3. What does the cat see one day?

A. She sees a month.

B. She sees a horse

C. She sees a mouse.

D. She sees a house.

( )4. The old woman becomes angry because _______.

A. the cat eats her meat

B. the cat can’t bite the mouse

C. the cat can’t bite the fish

D. the cat can’t bite the horse

( )5. The word “unkind” means________.

A. very happy B. not kind

C. so kind D. like





