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Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)

1. Are you for it or a________ it?

2. These i________ workers were sent to the nearest hospital at once.

3. I want to become a p________ athlete and win gold medals for our country.

4. I am so happy to have such a c________ to make a speech here.

5. His father is a l________. He knows a lot about law.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. There are some reasons against ________ (become) a professional athlete.

2. My brother, Jim has become a ________ (law). He’s very busy every day.

3. We’ll have a difficult time ________ (finish) the work on Sunday.

4. He said that he ________ (help) me with my English if I ________ (help) him with his English.

5. Two people were killed and five got ________ (injure) in that car accident.

Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分)

1. Tom made a living ________ newspapers when he was young.

A. by sell B. by selling

C. of sell D. of selling

2. —What must you use to give your friend a call?

—A ________ .

A. TV B. computer

C. mobile phone D. camera

3. —Jack is helping me with my English ________.

—Really? It’s very kind of him.

A. all the time B. at that time

C. at the same time D. at times

4. I ________ hope you will have a good time with your English next term.

A. sincerely B. real

C. probably D. lucky

5. —Why do you want to be a lawyer?

—If I become a lawyer, I ________ help people.

A. will can

B. am able to

C. was able to

D. will be able to

Ⅳ. 完成句子(15分)

1. 事实上,他梦想的职业是成为一名教师。

________ ________, his dream job is ________ ________ a teacher.

2. 他在一次事故中受了伤。

He ________ ________ in an accident.

3. 我们到达山顶有困难。

We ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ to the top of the mountain.

4. 你不应该错过任何练习说英语的机会。

You shouldn’t miss any ________ ________ ________ speaking English.

5. 有一半的工人每月能挣2, 000多元。

________ ________ ________ can get more than 2, 000 yuan ________ ________.

