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第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分)


(  )1. A. She is beautiful.      B. She is my aunt.       C. Mr Brown.

(  )2. A. In Qingdao.         B. By hand.            C. Paper.

(  )3. A. It’s yours.          B. It’s over there.        C. The white one.

(  )4. A. Li Ming told me.     B. Last week.          C. For two weeks.

(  )5. A. Because I can go swimming.     B. It’s too hot.     C. I like it

第二节(共7小题, 每小题1分)


(  )6. When will they go to the museum?

A. 1:00 pm.          B. 3:00 pm.         C. 2:00 pm.

(  )7.Which box is used for normal rubbish?

A. The green one.     B. The black one.     C. The blue one.

(  )8. What kind of museum does Bob like?

A. Art Museum.      B. History Museum.     C. Science Museum.

(  )9. What was the girl’s weight before?

A. 95 pounds.       B. 105 pounds.        C. 100 pounds.

(  )10. How does the boy see the seven wonders of nature?

A. By dreaming.      B. By watching.       C. By travelling.

(  )11. Where has Sam been to?

A. A park.           B. A zoo.            C. An island.

(  )12. What will the man do?

A. He will stop smoking at once.           B. He will go out to smoke.

C. He will put the cigarette into his pocket.




(  )13. What’s Jeff’s dream job?

A. To be a worker.    B. To be a reporter.     C. To be an inventor.

(  )14. Who might the woman be?

A. Jeff’s sister.       B. Jeff’s aunt.         C. Jeff’s mother.

(  )15. What will Jeff do right away?

A. Go on with his homework.   B. Fix up his bike.    C. Go for a picnic.

