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(    ) 33. The two _______ both bought some _______in the market.

A. Germen ; potatoes   B. Germans; potatoes

C. Germans; potatos   D. Germen;  potatos

(    ) 34. The family_______at the breakfast table when someone came to tell them what had happened at_______.

A. were sitting ; Mr Green’s            B. were sitting; Mr Green

C. was sitting; Mr Green              D. was sitting; Mr Green’s

(    ) 35. There are lots of flowers on_______ sides of the street. They are so beautiful.

A. each          B. either       C. all       D. both

(    ) 36. —How about buying an iPhone6 plus for your mother’s birthday?

—Oh, maybe it’s too expensive, Dad, do you know _______?

A.how much does it cost   B.how much it costs

C.how much it cost       D.how much did it cost

(    ) 37. — _______ fine weather! ________  stay at home. Let’s go for a picnic, _______?

A. How ; Not; will you           B. What; Don’t; will you

C. What; Don’t; shall we          D. What a ; Not; shall we

(    )38.The doctor did what he could_______the girl who was badly hurt in the accident .

A. save   B. saving   C. to save   D. save

(    )39.People _______smoke in a public place may have to pay¥500 as a punishment.

A.what     B.Who         C.which       D.whom

(    )40. — Have you ever seen that film?

—Sure. It’s one of _______films I have ever seen.

A. the most wonderful     B. wonderful   C. much wonderful      D. the more wonderful

(    )41. —It will be my turn. I feel a bit nervous.

—_______. You can make it.

A. Congratulations    B. Take it easy    C. Look out    D. Have a good time

(    )42.—It’s said that Tian Liang and Cindy are not going to take part in the program “Where are we going, dad?”.

—_______.  I like them very much.

A. That’s great.      B. No problem.    C. It doesn’t matter.    D. What a pity!

(    )43.Under the Dome《穹顶之下》 is a 103-minute film Which was recorded_______Chai Jing, a journalist_______CCTV, _______Feb 28, 2015, is about smog in Beijing,

A. by , on,  in   B. from , on , on  C.by, from, on  D. for, at , on

(    )44. It’s not fine today . You’d better_______out . Why_______stay at home watching TV?

A. not to go; not  B. not go; not  C. don’t go; not  D. to not; go ;

(    )45. —Dad, must I finish my homework today ?

—No , you_______.You may do it tomorrow .

A. mustn’t   B. won’t    C. don’t      D. needn’t

Ⅳ. 动词考查(每题l分,共l0分)。


(    )46. Just a minute! My brother _____his car in the garden.

A.washes      B. is washing      C. washed     D. will wash

(    )47.Be sure ________ the windows and the door when you leave.

A. to close       B. closing     C. closed         D. close

(    )48.It has been a long time since I last ________ you.

A. meet         B. have meet   C. met           D. meeting

(    )49. Why are you watching TV again .Because I       my homework .

A. have finished  B. was finished C. have been finished D. am finished

(    )50. My bike was broken, so I had it ________ yesterday.

A. repair         B. repairs     C. repaired         D. repairing


51. To keep healthy, She                every day.

52. Can you                this machine?

53. We need to                what we’ve learned before the exam.

54. We’ll                 an English play “Snow White” during this year’s Art Festival.

55. Eating a balanced diet is a great way to                .


Hongbao, usually a red envelope(信封) with some money inside, is a kind of traditional(传统的) gift in China. People always give it during the Spring Festival or for some special events such as birthdays, weddings (婚礼) and so on. It is considered as a way to   56   love, good wishes or blessing(祈祷).

The red color means good luck in Chinese culture and can also   57   people stay away from bad things. This tradition started from more than 2,000 years   58   when old people began to give money to their grandchildren for good luck and safety in the New Year.

Different from the traditional red envelope with   59   inside, the virtual(虚拟的) hongbao became quite popular this year. It provides people with a chance to give hongbao to other people or to receive them from   60   on the Internet. This new form of hongbao is becoming more and more popular   61   the Wechat (微信) users,especially in 2015

