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Ⅰ 听力(每题1分,共20分)


(   )1. A. speed     B. speak     C. speech

(   )2. A. GN756     B. KA756    C. KN765

(   )3. A. worries about    B. thinks about   C. talks about

(   )4. A. Handan Museum is open every day.

B. Handan Museum is open on Monday.

C. Handan Museum is closed on Monday.

(   )5. A. The film started 10 minutes ago.

B. The film will start in ten minutes.

C. The film will last 10 more minutes.


(   )6. A. Good luck.    B. It doesn’t matter.   C. Sorry to hear that.

(   )7. A. She is fifteen.    B. She is fine.    C. She is tall.

(   )8. A. I will, thanks.    B. Yes, please.    C. Here you are.

(   )9. A. Three months ago.   B. In four days.   C. For five days.

(   )10. A. It’s my pleasure.   B. I hope so.    C. Thank you.



(   )11. Why did Jack go to Shanghai?

A. On business            B. For vacation.              C. To visit friends.

(   )12. How did he go there?

A. By air.                B. By car      .             C. By train.


(   )13. What will the girl get for her dad?

A. A watch.               B. A T-shirt.                 C. A shirt.

(   )14. What color does the girl want?

A. Red      .            B. White.                    C. Blue.

(   )15. How much will the girl pay?

A. $10                   B. $15                      C. $20.


(   )16. What will the speaker’s clothes be like in 20 years?

A. colorful and light      B. Dark and cool.            C. Comfortable and cool.

(   )17.  Where will the speaker spend his vacation?

A. In the mountains.      B. In space or under the sea.    C. In the city.

(   )18. The speaker will fly a plane with          .

A. no pollution          B. less pollution.             C. more pollution.

(   )19. Why will the speaker make friends with people around the world?

A. To play sports with them.   B. To learn culture from them.    C. To watch TV with them.

(   )20. The speaker mainly tells us about his        in 20 years.

A. life.                 B. house.            C. food.


Ⅱ. 词汇(每题l分,共10分)。


21. It is ____________ (terrible) cold today, isn’t it?

22. It’s a good habit to brush our teeth ________ (two) a day.

23. Mother told Tom and me to help _________ (us) to some fish.

24. This is a book __________ (write) by Tom.

25. Dongting Lake is the second _________ (large) fresh water lake in China.


26. So far, I haven’t made a ________(决定) about where to go for the coming summer holidays.

27. Both of my best friends were born in  ________(十月).

28. Lakers will play ________(对战) Rockets in the NBA match tonight.

29. Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese ________ (传统的)festivals.

30. He borrowed my iPhone6s and hasn’t _______ (归还) it to me.


(    ) 31. —What _______ heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love _______ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.

A. the; a        B. a; the         C. the; the       D. a; a

(    ) 32. This style of clothes _______very popular_______.

A. was; in1990’s   B. were; in the 1990s  C. were; in 1990’s   D. was; in the 1990s

