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1. M: I’m sorry, Miss Huang, I forgot my homework.?

W: It doesn’t matter. Do you know the homework, Tom??

M: Yes, I do. Lucy told me. I’ll bring it here tomorrow.?

2. M: I found it difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it.?

W: Never give up, John. Why not join an English club to improve your Eng lish??

M: Let me have a try.?

3. W: How do you like the cold weather here??

M: Oh, I just love the snow and ice. I had never seen any snow before I came to this city.

4. M: How are you getting along with everything in Japan??

W: Very great except one thing.?

M: I think the Japanese are polite. What has made you annoyed??

W: Yes. They are so polite that I have to bow when I meet them each time.?

5. M: Have you finished your homework??

W: Not yet. I have been doing it for an hour. I think I need another thirty minutes to finish it.?

M: Don’t stay up too late.

6. W: Hey, I hear you’re busy studying English recently.?

M: That’s right. I can’t get a good job, because my English is too poor.?

B)请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A ﹑B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)


M: How was your trip to New York, Jane??

W: It was great until I lost my wallet.?

M: Really? How did that happen??

W:  I was waiting in line to buy a ticket at the train station. When I wanted to get the money, I found my wallet lost.?

M: Bad luck! Did you leave it anywhere??

W: I don’t know.?

M: Then how did you come back??

W: I called my friend and he drove me back  home.?


W: Can I help you? ?

M: Yes. Would you mind telling me something about the house? ?

W: Well, it has a nice living room, a large dining room and three comfortable bedrooms.?

M: It sounds good. What about the kitchen? ?

W: Oh, it is quite modern.?

M: Are there any washrooms? ?

W: Yes, of course. There are two washrooms in the house, which are easy to use.?

M: Won derful. I hope I have a house like this one day.?


M: Hi, Emma. This is my wife, Mei Lin.?

W: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wang.?

M: She’s working on her English and she’s learning fast.?

W: Wow, great.?

M: My son, Jim, really enjoys your program.?

W: Oh, we enjoy having him. He’s such a clever child.?

M: Thank you. He lov es baseball. My  wife and I want to thank you for your help. We’re so glad you teach him so well.?

W: It’s my pleasure. Look! He’s over there playing games. How happy he is!?

请听第4段 对话,回答第14至第16小题。

W: Alex, is there something wrong??

M: Oh, Alice. I have to move with my mother to the USA.?

W: Your father told me. It’s a good thing.?

M: I don’t want to go. I want to stay here.?

W: I’m sorry. You must be upset.?

M: Yes. I’m so sad.?

W: Don’t worry . Got a little surprise for you to cheer you up.?

M: What kind of surprise??

W: Something my brother gave me.?

M: What is it??

W: It’s a lucky star. It’s supposed to bring you good luck. I don’t know if it’s true, but I  hope it brings you good luck.?

M: Thank you, Alice.?

