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Fights can be a normal part of family relationships, but when it comes to friendships, people are less comfortable. This feeling can caus e friends to give up too fast on their relationships when trouble comes , according to US sociologist (社会学家) Jan Yager. So don’t be afraid of the occasional (偶尔的) quarrel. Once you make it through, your friendship is likely to be stronger than ever.

Ways to (71)             your friendship with others

(72)______ a secret People are more likely to rank you high up in their group if they feel you (73)            and value them more than others.

Treat him or her like a grownup Encourage your friends to make their own (74)           instead of telling them what to do when they are in trouble.

Accept that no friendship is perfect Don’t give up too fast on your friendship just because some occasional quarrel. If you make it through, you will get a

(75)            friendship than ever.

八、书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 买食品前检查生产日期,查看是否过期;

2. 识别食品是否新鲜或变质;

3. 购物以后索取并保管好发票;

4. 发现问题食品以后,拨打12315或向当地消费者协会寻求帮助。

5. ……

6. ……



3.参考词汇:  date日期;   overdue  过期的;   go bad 变质; invoice发票 ;  Consumer Association  消费者协会。

Fight for food safety

Since the CCTV program exposed the wrongdoing by a McDonald’s restaurants. Some persons sell poison bean sprouts. The safety of food has become a hot topic. What shall we do to fight for our rights and interests?



一、1— 5  AABAC    6—10 CBABA      11—15 ADDCD

二、16— 20 ADBCB   21—25 DAADC      26—30 BABDC

三、31- 33 DBD    34- 37 BCAD   38- 41. DAAB   42- 45 DDAB

四、46. allowed     47. ninetieth   48. clearly         49.humorous/humourous  50. height

51. arrived     52. tour         53. visiting      54. paid        55. share

五、56. Does, get on with             57. impolite       58. were set up

59. chatting with        60. instead of        61. has been dead

62. to cheer up         63. come true        64. is filled with

65. was preparing for

六、66. would rather stay at home        67.is becoming (getting) smaller and smaller

68. had no choice but to give up      69. in fear of their lives     70. is worth reading

七、71. hold/keep   72.Share   73.trust  74. choices/ decisions   75. stronger/ better

八 、略





