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(    )28.- It seems that Dave likes playing basketball very much.

- Yes.  He plays almost every day          it rains heavily.

A. whether   B.'when     C. unless     D. as

(    )29.It is raining outside. You'd better drive           possible.

A. more careful   B. more carefully   C. as careful as   D. as carefully as

(    )30.1f the teacher           us any homework tomorrow, we will go bike riding.        A. gives       B. doesn’t give .   C. will give       D. won’t give

(    )31. When my father was         , he became a doctor in a big hospital.

A. at twenties .     B. in his twenties

C. at twenty       D. in the twentieth  [

(    )32.- Has your father stopped smoking?

- Not yet. It's quite hard for him to

A. break off it     B. give up it     C. break it off .    D. give it up .

(    )33.- The cinema is quite near          walk over there?

-All right.

A. Why don’t we  B. How about  C. Would you like D. What for

(    )34. There are so many kinds of mobile phones in the shop: We can't decide

A. what to buy . B. to buy what    C. which to buy   D. ta buy which

(    )35. The doorbell is ringing.  Would you please go to see         ?

A, who it is              B. who is it:.

C. where does he go        D. where he goes



Long ago, there was a little girl who was born into a poor family.

One day, the little girl wanted to decorate(装饰) a  36  . Her father became  37  when he found that his three-year-old daughter had wasted plenty of wrapping paper (包装纸). He punished her.

The next morning, the little girl   38    earlier than usual. She brought the box to her father and said, "This is   39  you, Daddy. It's a Christmas present. " The father  felt sorry for his earlier behavior.  However; when he opened the box,. he saw that the box was .  40    The father became angry again and shouted at his daughter, ' Don't you know when you give someone a present, there should be    41    inside?" The little  girl looked up at her    42   with tears in her eyes.  She cried, "Daddy, ifs not empty at all. I put my   43    in the box. " Hearing this, the father put his arms around his little daughter.  44  he asked for her forgiveness(原谅).

Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is said that the father   45   that box by his bed for many years. Whenever he felt bad, he would take out a kiss and remember the love of his daughter.

(    )36. A. box      B. bed       C. tree     D. house

(    )37. A. sad          B. excited     C. proud         D. angry

(    )38. A. stood up       B. looked up   C. got up     D. Fell asleep

(    )39. A. for         B. from      C. of      D. by

(    )40. A. dirty        B. empty     C. ugly        D. clean

(    )41. A. anything      B. something   C. everything    D. nothing

(    )42. A. sister        B. brother      C. mother       D. father

(    )43. A. tears .         B. kisses         C. hugs          D. courage

(    )44. A. Also         B. However      C. Anyway       D. Instead

(    )45. A. showed       B. missed    C. kept           D. passed




Dear Uncle Horton,

We just want to let you know what a great weekend we had with you while we were in Boise. You are a fantastic guide and it was so nice of you to have taken us out for a tour of the city.  The sights were beautiful and our two girls loved the Discovery Centre very much. They are still talking about it.

We are not sure when we’ll meet again, but we hope it won’t be too long. Please let us know of any plans you might have to visit New York. We would love you to visit us and we hope to have the pleasure of taking you around New York City.

Thanks again for a truly great weekend.

Much love,

Dick and Kate



Happy Mother’s Day! Since I have my own kid, I have got to know how hard mothering is. Thank you for being so patient with me through my ups and downs. I hope I can be as good a mother to Lily as you are to me. Thanks for being such a good mum. Whether you come to visit me or we talk on the phone, l always feel we're so close. You're always my best friend.  I hope you know how much I love you!


