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(    )1. What subject is Mary good at?

A. Chinese.       B. English.     C. Math.

(    )2. What does Jane usually help her grandfather do?

A. Milk the cows.         B. Feed the chickens.  C. Plant the trees.

(    )3. How often does the girl go to the book club?

A. Once a week.          B. Once a month.    C. Twice a month.

(    )4. Why does the woman think the meal is delicious?

A.  Because she is hungry.        B.  Because she loves salty food.

C. Because she loves chicken.

(    )5. How did the girl go to school yesterday?

A. By bike.        B. On foot.        C. By subway.




(    )6. Who was:Alice helping at seven last night?

A. Her sister.       B. Her brother.     C. Her friend.

(    )7. What does the boy want to borrow from the girl?

A. Her magazine.          B. Her homework.    C.  Her dictionary.[


(    )8. What’s the time now?

A. 6:20     B. 6:40     C. 7:00

(    )9.Where is Julie now?

A. In the mall.    B. In a park.     C. In a restaurant.


(    )l0. Where w,as Frank born?

A. In England.     B. In Canada.        C. In America.

(    )11. How many people are there in Frank's family?

A. Five.     B. Four.            C. Three.

(    )12. How long is the snake in his garden?

A. Two meters.       B. Three meters.      C. Four meters.


(    )13. What does Liu Tao think of grammar?

A. Interesting.     B. Difficult.          C. Boring.

(    )14. How does Liu Tao often learn English?

A. By listening to English songs.   B. By watching English programs.

C. By reading English newspapers.

(    )15.What does Liu Tao think is the best way to improve speaking skills?

A. Find a foreign friend.       B. Watch English movies.

C. Speak English as much as possible.



二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)    从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

(    )21. Xi’an is          ancient city.  It has          long history.

A.a; a      B. an, a     C. The; an       D. / ; a

(    )22. - Look at Victor’s  new bike, is it the same          yours?

-No. Mine is different         his.

A. as; from     B. to, from    C. with; with    D. As; with

(    )23.The water is not         enough. Add some more sugar, please.

A. clean       B. sweet     C. salty       D. fresh

(    )24. Liu Chang thinks         with friends in English is very helpful. [

A.talks        B. talk    C. talked      D. talking .

(    )25. - Avengers: Age of Ultron(《复仇者联盟2》)is very wonderful, isn’t it?          - Yes, but I don’t think          like it.

A. somebody    B. anybody    C. everybody    D. nobody

(    )26. There will be an important test tomorrow morning.  You          be late.

A. may not       B. Needn’t         C: mustn't         D. couldn’t

(    )27.In the past ten years.there           great changes in my hometown.

A: were           B. have been       C. are      D. are going to be

