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A clam (蚌) decided to take a rest on the bank of the River Yi. When the clouds passed, he felt cool in their shadow. When the sun returned, he felt warm. It was a good time to daydream, and so he did.

From above, a bird saw the clam and flew down and gave it a good peck (啄). The clam was frightened and closed his shell tight, catching the bird’s beak.

“Remove your beak at once,” ordered the clam. But the bird was stubborn, though she was able to pull out her beak, she refused.

“I will not remove my beak until you open your shell,” the bird mumbled. Like the clam, she found it was difficult to speak clearly under the situation. Of course, the clam was not about to listen to the bird and open his shell. But the bird threatened (威胁),“Open your shell or you’ll be a dead clam.”  “Remove your beak at once,” returned the clam.

“Open it!”

“ Remove it!”

“Open it!”

The two went back and forth like this for several hours. But neither of them would follow the other’s orders first, they stayed in such a state until a young man who happened to come here and carried two of them off for dinner!

(   )41. Why the clam choose the bank to have a rest?

A. Because it was a place where he felt cool when the clouds passed and warm when the sun returned.

B. Because he likes daydreaming.

C. Because it wanted to meet the bird on the bank..

D. Because it could find some food for dinner.

(   )42. In the fourth paragraph, the word “mumble” means _________.

A.慢条斯理地说  B.含糊地说    C.狠狠地说   D.快速的说

