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六、短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Are you having a nice time today? A famous thinker Francis Bacon told us: When you are  h  66  , tell your friends, then the happiness will double(双倍) ----b  67    to you and to your friends; when you meet some p   68   and feel lonely or helpless, also tell your friends, then your unhappiness will be h   69   , especially to you! Do you agree?

When you smile to others, others can feel your k   70  . If he or she is facing a d    71  time, the love perhaps will help them go through all the hard time. A smile r  72   has great power.

W   73    will you do when someone smiles at you? Return a sweet smile. You also send your love through the smile. From it, you may get a t   74    friend or a strong supporter. You are in great need of them today, t   75   and forever! So just try it, and then you will find a new and happy world.

七、书面表达 (20分)

今年我国西南五省市持续干旱,出现旱情。 请根据提示用英文写一篇短文,词数不少于100个(所给词不纳入计数)。

提示:干旱 drought        温室效应 the Greenhouse Effect

与•••有很大关系 have much to do with•••      水的短缺 the short of water

1. 我国西南五省市持续严重干旱,当地人民没有足够水可以喝,或可以用。水的短缺严重地影响了当地人民的生活。

2. 据说干旱与温室效应有很大的关系,而温室效应是由空气的污染引起的,所以我们应立刻停止污染。

3. 从这次干旱中我们懂得了很多:地球是我们的家园,保护地球就是保护我们自己!从现在开始,我们应采取措施去阻止和预防其它灾害的发生。(如,节省用水,保护森林不被砍伐,多种植树木)

Recently, terrible drought has prevailed(盛行) in the southwest provinces and cities of our






