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M: Mom, I think I lost my backpack.

W: When did you find it was lost?

M: Just now when I was going to do my homewor k.

W: Where did you go before you came home?

M: I left the classroom, and then played basketball at the basketball museum with Peter.

W: You must leave it at the basketball museum.

M: Probably. But basketball museum usually closes at 5:30 pm. It’s already 6:40 now.

W: You have to get it tomorrow.

M: But I have to hand in my math homework tomorrow.

W: You’d better give your teacher a call and tell him about it.

M: OK. That’s the only way.

Qs:6.Where did the boy probably leave his backpack?

7.What’s the time now?

8.What does Mom advise the boy to do?


M:Do you have any plan for this evening?

W:No, not yet.

M:How about going out for dinner tonight?

W:Great. Where would you like to go?

M:Well, what about Sichuan food?

W:I don’t feel like having Sichuan food today.

M:I don’t, either. It’s too hot.

W:How do you like Italian food?

M:It’s my favorite, I like it a lot.

W:Me, too. And I know a good Italian restaurant nearby.

M:Good! Let’s go.

Qs:9.What are they going to do in the evening?

10.Why don’t they want to have Sichuan food?

11.What kind  of food are they going to have?

