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M: Are you free tomorrow?

W: What’s up?

M: Don’t you know some pop singers from Hong Kong will come to our school? They are going to give a concert tomorrow afternoon.

W: Where are they going to give a concert? In the hall? I can’t afford to buy a ticket.

M: No, it’s free. Everyone can go to enjoy it. It will be held outside the hall.

W: Oh, great! I like open-air concerts. When will it begin? I won’t be free until 3 o’clock.

M: You’re lucky. It will begin at 3:30. Would you like to go with me?

W: OK. It’ll be very cold. Please put on your sweater and coat.

M: OK. I will. See you then.

W: See you.

Qs:12. What will be given by some pop singers from Hong Kong?

13. Who are welcomed to enjoy it?

14. Where will it be held?


M:Sally, I’m at home. What are you doing?

W:Tom, I’m making a plan for our trip to Shanghai. Shall we go to Shanghai by train, by ship or by air?

M:By air, of course.

W:Don’t you think it’s too expensive?

M:It’s a little expensive, but it’s much faster than traveling by train.

W:I’ve never traveled by plane. I feel a little afraid.

M:Don’t worry. Planes are safe.

W:OK. I would go to buy tickets this afternoon. One of my friends works in the airport. She can help me.

M:There is no need. Just book them online.

W:I think it costs more that way.

M:No, the ticket price is the same.

W:That’s great. Who will take care of our dog?Oh, poor Max.

M:Why not ask Mrs Johnson? Her son Oliver loves to play with Max.

Qs:15.Why does the man choose to travel by air?

16.How many times has the woman traveled by air?

17.Where will the speakers buy the tickets?

