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1. Uncle John promised to buy me ______ MP4 as my birthday present.

A. a           B. the        C. /            D. an

2. ---Have you found your English book?

---No, I haven’t found ________, but I borrowed ________ from Jack this afternoon.

A. it; one   B. one; that   C. one; it      D .that; one

3. ---Your school things are here and there. Will you please ________?

---OK, I’ll do it right away.

A. give them out B. put them away  C. give up them  D. put them on

4. She looked at us sadly with her eyes open as large as ________.

A. her sister  B. her sister’s   C. her sisters’   D. that of her sister

5. Food safety is important. Rules must ________ stop people from food pollution.

A. be made  B. be made to   C. make    D. make to

6. I really enjoyed your talk, ________ there were some parts I didn’t understand.

A. because   B. unless    C. though    D. after

7. ---Can people drive after drinking a glass of beer?

---No. According to the law they _________.

A. mustn’t        B. can’t       C. needn’t   D. shouldn’t

8. ---What do you think of the football match yesterday?

---Really wonderful. They have never played ________.

A. best   B. better    C. worse    D. worst

9. ---Why didn’t you go shopping with me two hours ago?

---Because my mother________ me outside.

A. waited for  B. is waiting for  C. was waiting for  D. has waited for

10. You can’t imagine ________ chatting online is!

A. how a great fun B. how great fun     C. what a great fun  D. what great fun

11. It’s said that this kind of milk ________ well this year. It will be sold out soon.

A. is sold   B. was sold   C. sells    D. sold

12. Three months ________ since we met last time.

A. have past  B. have passed   C. has past   D. has passed

13. ---Could you tell me ________?

---Sorry. I don’t know.  I didn’t attend the meeting.

A. what did he say at the meeting   B. what had he said at the meeting

C. what he said at the meeting       D. what he would say at the meeting

14.--- Would you like some coffee?

--- No, thanks. I _____ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.

A. almost          B. already           C. hardly           D. still

15. ---Don’t forget to give my best wishes to your parents.    ---_________.

A. No, I won’t.     B. Yes, I will.         C. No, I don’t.       D. Yes, I do.

