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(    )56. Miss Green isn't in the office.  She         to the library.

A. has gone  B went  C. will go  D. has been

(    )57. Look! Some boys         on the playground.

A. playing  B. are playing  C. play  D. plays

(    )58. There         an English Evening next Tuesday.

A. was     B, will be   C. will have  D. are going to be

(    ) 59. Mr Li often teaches his Japanese friends ______Chinese food.

A. cook    B cooks.    C to cook   D. cooked

(    ) 60. —        you          your homework yet?

—Yes, I        it a moment ago.

A. Did, do, finished     B. Have, done, have finished

C. Have, done, finished   D. Will, do, finish


stay in bed    got on    put on    take care of   give up

61. He         his hat and went out.

62. Please         the baby while I am away.

63. Don't          maths.  It's also very useful

64. The old man        the bus and found a seat near the window.

65. His mother was ill. She had to        for a few days.


66. I don’t think you can finish it on time.(改为反意疑问句)

I don’t think he can finish it on time,______  _____

67. Not only Tom but also Bob has been to that island.   (改为同义句)

______ Tom and Bob ____ been to that island.

68.I sent a letter to you last month.  (改为被动语态)

A letter ______   _____ to you last month.

69.Your living-room is very bright.     (改为感叹句)

______ _____ your living-room is !

70.Does the earth go round the sun? My son asked the teacher. (合并为宾语从句)

My son asked the teacher _____ the earth _____ round the sun.

六、完型填空: 仔细阅读下面短文,从题后所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳答案.(每小题1分,计l0分)

How to practice spoken English?

How can we practice our spoken English?

The first and the most important thing is to believe   71   . You should always be full of confidence or you   72   be able to improve your English.You should often encourage yourself.“Come on, don’t be afraid!”

You should never lose heart and never give up.

Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think since we  are students and we’re   73  ,there’s no need to worry  ___74_____anything . You must always be active in practice.There’s no problem that your pronunciation and intonation(语调)can’t be as good   75  the native people because we are Chinese, and

we don’t have chances to live in foreign countries and talk with the people there 76  .But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and  77  other people. You should believe that native speakers will not  laugh at you.  78   they will encourage you.So if you are brave enough you’ll certainly make a rapid progress in your __79____English.

__80____ be shy or afraid ! Just have a try.

(    )71.A. itself          B. yourself     C.themselves      D.myself

(    )72. A. can’t never    B.are never    C.will            D.will never

(    )73. A.1earning        B.saying       C.students       D. teaching

(    )74.A./              B. to           C.about         D. for

(    )75.A. so              B.with         C. as             D. that

(    )76.A. for some time   B.sometime    C.sometimes        D.all the time

(    )77.A.to be understood B. understand    C. understood   D.understanding

(    )78. A. so                  B. instead       C.or           D. nor

(    )79  A.speaking            B.speech        C.spoken       D.spoke

(    )80.A.Don’t              B. Not           C. No          D. Do

